The metal box

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*Thump*, a little box flew out of the dark and cloudy sky. The town, still sitting with curiosity of the families disappearance. Looked with eagerness towards the little box from the sky. In the past everyone would jump to be the first to hold this clue. But from what had happened, they just sat there. Waited, waited for someone brave enough to walk up to the metal cube. Days went by and still nothing. Months went by, not a flinch. 17 years went by and they named that part of town, the unknown and the untouched. For they had made stories. Stories of the torcher it would unleash on the people of anyone dared to go near the untouched.
     But as most things in life, it would soon come to a halt. A guy named David. David Lockwood. A quite, normal guy. He had lived with a nice family (the Michaelsons) adopted at at the early age of 3. He didn't remember his parents nor did he ever want to. He was happy with his family. Well, as happy as you can be in a world with constant suffering. But his curiosity never seised to stop. He wondered days on days of the untouched. What would really happen if he were to touch it? Was all of this just stories, or had someone dared to touch it Before?
It was decided, he must touch the untouched because as long as it sat their, the longer everyone lived in a world hiding from the truth. But even though they may deserve this because of the pain everyone had endured. But what if that family that disappeared on that dreadful night, had sent that to help us. What if the answers everyone had been waiting for, was right in front of them but they were too scared to pick it up. What if this little box could save the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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