Time to get Spoopy: A Spoiled Lemon Halloween Special!

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I took a break for a little while, so Chapter 8 will be coming sometime this week. I was working on something special for Halloween, which was, indeed, this. A special chapter for Halloween!
It's time to get REAL spoopy everyone!
So even though it's a day late, Happy Halloween!


"It's my time to analyze the scene once again, because today is Hotel OJ's first ever Halloween Party!
I'm your host, Fan. And today, I'll be providing the dirt on this awesome extravaganza. So it's time to get spoo-"


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Paintbrush shouted.

"Um..... live streaming?" I replied.

"WHY....?!" Paintbrush sneered.

"For my blog." I replied.

Paintbrush furiously stomped upstairs, and Lightbulb ran downstairs in her Halloween costume, which was a witch.

"Sorry about that, Fan!"

"Painty can't find her costume, so she's on a bit of a rampage right now." Lightbulb said.

"So that explains it." I said.

"Are YOU live streaming?!" Lightbulb said.

"That's awesome!"

"Yeah!" I replied.

"We're getting REAL spoopy up here tonight."

"Spoopy?" Lightbulb enlightened.

"It's another internet trend." I explained.

"Replace spooky with spoopy. It's all the rage right now for some reason."

"Cool!" Lightbulb said.

"Can I help with your livestream? Be like, a co-host or something?"

"Sure!" I replied.

"You are officially my co-host."

"This is gonna be awesome!!!!" Lightbulb shouted.

"Oh yeah, it is!" I replied.

And then, we did the most epic high five of all time.

And now, with the two of us, it's gonna get real spoopy up in here.


Ah, Halloween.

A time where you can scare the crap out of people for the sake of doing so.

Ah, this is my favorite holiday...

But now, I need a plan to scare someone. Anyone.

I'm not going for the clowns, ABSOLUTELY NOT.
You know how crazy it's been the last few days with those "killer" clowns. I'm gonna get shot in the head if I dress up like that!

How about that one guy from Friday the 13th?

Yeah......this is gonna be awesome.

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