~Final~, Part 2

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- Mic -

The pit of rejection has created a void in my heart.

I was...

I was rejected by the love of my life.

Tears began to grow moist between my eyelids, and a slowly crouched onto the ground.
But once I got on the floor, the tears began to flow.

It hurts.

Why does love have to be this way?

I sat there for a few minutes, sniffling and wiping my tears away.

He already has someone.

You're chances are over.

But, one thought consumed my mind.

It isn't your time yet.

Wiping away my tears and staggering upward, I lifted my head high, and let out a bittersweet smile.

"Maybe he just wasn't the one." I muttered to myself.

My hair began to blow in the wind as I walked to the concert hall, confident.

Maybe I was being a bit selfish.
I wrapped myself up in love to not even notice how he felt.

He had a life, just like anyone else.

OJ and the others waved for me to come along, and smiling, I ran to them with a genuine smile on my face.

A smile of pure bliss.


- Fan -

"So, are we...lovers or something?" I asked, fidgeting my hands.

"Uh, yeah!" Test Tube replied, smiling.

"You and me, together forever!"

"Well, shouldn't we take it step by step first?" I exclaimed.

"We can't just rush in all at once."

Suddenly, something warm had grabbed my hand, I looked to the side, and there was Test Tube, holding my hand.

"T-T-This is okay, right?" Test Tube stuttered.

I was flabbergasted. This was the first time I'd been in a situation like this. It felt like something out of a visual novel.

"Y-Yeah, it's okay." Fan replied

"At least it's easier than kissing."

"Now THAT'S something I can agree with." Test Tube said, chuckling.

It didn't even feel like we were dating to begin with, and I enjoyed that. Besides the romantic tension, I knew tonight was going to be something special.

Even if the band is shit.



Well, guess I'm back at where it all happened.
The exact spot where my sister had given me that letter.

The exact moment she'd felt alive.

I clutched the letter in my hand as I opened it, and yet, it was only just two simple words:

- Softball

A tear left my eye, and I smiled. It's exactly something she would say to me whenever I felt down.

I put the note in my pocket, and followed Nickel up to the concert area.

"Hey Baseball!" OJ greeted.

"Oh, hey!" I replied back.

Everyone was gathered together. Nickel made glares at Lightbulb, in which Paintbrush then saw the 'video that cannot be named'. People were snickering at her reaction, and her face was redder than a ripe tomato. Suitcase and Balloon held hands, talking to each other casually. Trophy and Tissues stood next to each other, surprisingly getting along.

"And by the way," OJ exclaimed, his voice seeming a bit irritated.

"It seems that one of the windows of the van was broken."

"Anyone have an explanation?"

Trophy and Tissues stepped back a bit, pretending as of nothing happened.

Since when did those two become so close?

I shrugged it off. It's their business, and theirs alone.

Suddenly, I saw Nickel grab my hand. He smiled a bit, and I smiled back.

As the intercom began to blare, reminding everyone about the concert, I felt a nostalgic feeling.

The good kind.


- ••• -

"Alright dudes, who ready to PARTY?"

To be honest, I'm not sure how this is all going to end.

It's been a long ride since the show had began, and I know that it's all going to end soon.

To be honest, I think this is the first time I've seen everyone happy together.

Pretty crazy, right?

Well, I suppose this is a happy ending for everyone.

Everyone except me, I suppose.

Maybe they're happy without me.

Could another chance come to pass?

I don't know, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

I guess you could say I'm a bit rotten, I suppose.

But, the music is beautiful.

Everyone is singing and dancing together, and yet, I wish I could be up there with them too.

But, I made mistakes.

Some can't be forgiven, I suppose.

This is ••••, signing off.

Thanks for reading.


So....that's it.

Spoiled Lemon is finally over.

I'm glad I finished it, and it's not the best ending, but the feeling is starting to sink in.

I've been working on this fanfic since I created my Wattpad account two years ago.

So, thank you.

Thank you for sticking with this fanfic all this time, even if it took months for new chapters to come out sometimes.

This is Squid, signing off.

Thanks for sticking by all this time to see the end.

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