Chapter 1

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"Yes ,yes Zoe the kids and I are packing right now ....yah , uh-huh , ok I'll see you in LA...I love you." I heard my dad talking to his new girlfriend , Zoella , we never actually met but I've heard good things from her from dad.

"Bridgit , are you done packing???". My dad asked.

"Uhm , almost done daddy , I'll be down there in a bit ". I answer back while putting my neatly folded clothes in my box..then I quickly grab another box and sharpie , I wrote " Bridgit's memory " . I then carefully place my mom's picture and all my albums in the box, then suddenly a picture slip out from one of my's a picture of me when I was just born , in my mom 's arm next to my dad. It said

"Happy birthday Bridgit , mommy and daddy loves you a lot "-sign December 18,1996

I felt my eyes got heavy and tears dripped down the side of my cheeks , I held the picture in my hand close to my heart...I just let tears fall...

"Bridgit Claire Mendler , get your ass up and get down here now" . I heard my brother screaming from downstairs ....

I quickly hide the picture in my diary and put both inside the box,I then took duct tape and tape it tightly , I bring everything downstairs and place it in the cab dad handed me and Jake out passport and I looked at the house for the last time as my dad and brother got in the car..

"Uhm ,dad I think I forgot something in the house , I'll go get it and be right out." I told my dad

"Ok , but hurry up".

I nodded while open the door and step in the empty house , the place where the couch was suppose to be , it was the place mom read to me my first book... The kitchen counter top , I remember Jake and I had a food fight here when mom and dad was out , once they got home , we were grounded for 2 month ...the living room, I remember the day when I turn 15, mom bought me my first ever iPad mini , I love her so much, there is so much memory ....

"Found what you need sweetie" . My dad open the door and ask.

"Yah." I said in tears

"I don't want to move dad, I have so much memory at this house , I don't want to go " . I hugged him tightly..

"Sweetie.....maybe moving is better , so you could forge-". I cutted him off.

"Dad , how could you just say that , mom was my life, you think I can just forget about her??".

"Honey that's not what I meant"

"No , it's ok let's go , I don't want just because of me you guys have to be sad ". I wipe away tears from my eyes

Dad and I walked out into the cab , I couldn't took my eyes away from that house as we drove away, we finally made it to the airport ,checking in....

"Flight 243 , to Los Angelas California , now boarding ." A voice said over the speaker..

As we rushed to get our stuff and finally got into the airplane , I place my carry on in the space above me.....I sat down next to this teenage girl , to be honest I'm not that type who really liked flying , I'm mean from Florida to California ? It's like we are traveling across the globe...but after 4 stops at 4 different airport we finally made it .....

As I got down the airplane and start getting our stuff , I heard a scream from a distance ...

"Ronald , over here." A woman waved at us as my dad start running to her, hugging her.

"Hi , nice to see you again" . My dad said.

"Zoe , this is my oldest son Jake Jarran Mendler and my daughter Bridgit Claire Mendler " he said pointing at each of us..

"Guys this is Zoella , we will be staying at her house , I want you guys to respect her like she's your step-mom got it??".

"Yes " . We both said while nodding..

"You are such a pretty girl Bridgit , how old are you?". She ask me with a smile she is pretty , she has brunette hair color with really light brown eyes my dad did a good job

Dang it what am I saying???

"Uhmm, sorry I'm 17" I shook out of thoughts

She smile and nodded

"How about you Jake , ???"

"Oh , I'm 18, one year older than Bridgit ". Jake said.

"Ok ,come on its hot here in Cali , you guys gonna have a sun burn , let's get in the car.."

As we drove back to her house , me and Jake's eyes drop and our mouth made an O shape as we drove in the gates of the house......her house is like mansion,it has a security camera too's huge .

"You lived here????". Jake asked while smiling like crazy..

"Yep" . She said

"Well now you do too"she smile while park inside a random guy ran up to the car opening the car's door and trunk...

"Guys , this is john , he is our butler and he will help you if you ever needed anything ". Zoe said while whispering something in John's ears , as he nodded he took my stuff and bring it to who-knows-where...

"They have a butler???". Jake ask me.

"I...I....I..-" words can't even form in my mouth correctly.

"Uhm , I will be showing you to your room ms.Bridgit and mr.Jake, please come this way"

"Ms. and mr.? " Jake and I both had that weird look on our face .

"John , you don't have to call us that ". I said

"Sorry , ms.Bridgit , it's my job and madam Zoe has strictly told me to do so ". John answer back..

As we walked inside the house , I saw this huge living room with a big glass chandelier up above my head while on my right there was a big white couch and a book case next to it and the walls were made out of glass so you could see what's going on out side . While on my left , a hug piano and violin , a guitar place next to each other. A lady came up to john and took my stuff and walked me to my room all these people are all in uniform, she gave me the keys and let me open the door ..

"" My mouth literally drop as I told her to put my stuff on the ground , I closed the door and look around , this room is my dream room , when you walked in , the wall were painted a peachy color , next to the door was a tv and a huge couch that can flip in to a bed....

When you walked in further and turn left , there was a bathroom , next to it was a fairly large room, I thought it was my bedroom consider how large it looks from the outside but no it wasn't my bedroom , it was a closet filled with all types of clothes , seems like they're new cause they still as the tag on it but the price were all torn off , inside the "closet" room there were also a make up table , in the drawer were a flat iron , and a curling iron ... On the table was a huge box with mirrors attach to it while there were lights around it , I didn't know what's inside the box so I decide to sit down on the chair and open it , it split into four different column and it has pull up little drawrer like little stairs , there were 3steps in each colum one was filled with brand new foundation and creams and powder, the second was fill with eye shadows and tons of mascara I could use from now till I die and third column was fill with blushes and hight lights powder , while the last was fill with tons of lipsticks and lip balm and lip gloss , I was crying after I saw that box.

I then exit the room and walked straight out ,as I walked next to a curtains , I pulled it aside ,it was I bed room , the bed was a king side bed which can fold up and place inside the wall, on it there were white and teal blankets and sheets and pillows , next my bed was a huge bean bag where almost 4 people could fit and one could sleep on it , next to the bean bag was a window ,next to it there was a table, with a brand new laptop next to a Cannon camera on it, then a book case , fill with tons of book and all stories in the world.......I scream as loud a I can causing everyone to show up at my door. My dad's face was fill with worried .



"Love , I think I like you"( Bridgit Mendler and 1D story)Where stories live. Discover now