chapter 2 :

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so hi guys, I hope you all enjoy the story and I was really happy about how it turn out so yah lets get on with the story :

hugs and kisses.

Bridgit POV

"are you ok??". My brother asked standing against my door.

"are you all right Bridge??". Dad ask.

"is everything all right?". Zoe asked me.

"oh , im sorry for screaming so loud , its just this room-."Zoe cut me off.

"you don't like it??, oh I'm so sorry". she sigh "ill get someone on it !!!". Zoe said.

"no,no,no , I love it , this is my dream room , I love it so much, thank you." I walked up and hug her .

" oh gosh , you startle me for a second". Jake said to me while rolling his eyes.

" I'm glad you love it ". Zoe said, smiling.

" madam , dinner is ready". A lady said.

"come on , go change and lets eat". Zoe said.

I nodded... as I closed the door I unpacked everything, I put my mom's framed picture on the table next to my bed and put everything in the closet and change , I put on a green sweat pants and gray tee shirt. I put my hair into a messy bun, as I walked out the door , I put a pair of warm slipper on , its so I walked down the marbled stairs , I saw everything was laid out on the table ... I sat down on a random chair, as everyone come and sat down , I was on my phone , suddenly someone grab my phone and put it down on the table , I look up to see who it was.


"hey." I said angrily with an attitude, mom and dad never cared if I used my phone when eating.

" sorry Bridgit , in my house there are rules , and one of them is no phones allowed at the table ". Zoe said smiling.

" But dad and mo-". Dad then cut me off.

" Bridgit". He said.

" Sorry". I whispered, rolling my eyes.

"come on lets eat". Zoe said, as I cut into my steak, eating, MAN the food here are good , on the plane all the food were really crappy.

" Oh, and tomorrow we are looking for a place for you to go to school". Dad said, pointing his fork at me.

"But dad , we just got here like maybe 4 hours ago??? and you're making think about school already??" .

" this is your last year in school , better finished it ".

"ughhh, so annoying ". I whispered under my breath.

" what did you just say?". Dad looked at me with the angry eyes.

" uhm , nothing I was just saying how good the food was". I lied right through my eyes.

"yah right ,well that's not what I heard!" . Jake had to put his butts in .

I then kicked his leg under the table

" Ow". he yelled , " some one just kicked me".

I snickered and continue eating...after I finish , I stand up holding my plated and fork, walking toward the kitchen.

" Oh , let me take care of that for you Ms.Bridgit ". one of the lady said.

" No , I can do it , its fine".

" Sorry , you must be knew but this kind of things are my job, if I don't get it done madam is going get mad."

" Oh". I said in shock ,she grab my plates as I said. How could some one like Zoe get angry?? she's a sweat heart, an angel ...

"Love , I think I like you"( Bridgit Mendler and 1D story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora