~ Chapter Fifteen

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-Sorry for the late update guys...
-Still haven't decide who will cast Kennedy...
-Don't forget to vote ^^

BigKiss xoxo



*Mel's POV

What the actual fuck?

"But that's impossible! You and Stephen are practically of the same age, and I ain't dumb enough to believe that he's your twin brother... that just doesn't make sense!"

"Remember when I said no interruptions?"

I nodded and muttered an 'okay sorry' before he continued.

"Like I said, Stephen is my brother, in fact, my stepbrother... his... um... we have the same father." At this point I was very confused.

"Sergel Kristofferson is my father."

What the...

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.


"Sergel Kristofferson is my father."

"What? But I thought Gerard Davis was your father, like... the heck, Tyler?" I was so confused. I know he said 'No interruptions' but I had questions, and I wasn't quite sure if I was understanding his incredible story so far.

"Will you please Mel let me explain to you without you interrupting me each five seconds?" he said, frustrated.

I could see how much he wanted to talk to someone. 'Oh Tyler, how much time have you been hiding your feelings like that? You're so hurt..." my mind said.

"Yes sorry... I promise I'm not going to interrupt you again." I said in all honesty. He looked at me intensely, and then sighed before continuing.

"Gerard is just my stepfather. He married my mom when I was like eight. Don't get me wrong, Gerard is an excellent father, even the best thing that have ever happened to my mum, my bro and I... but, you know, a biological father's love is something else. And Sergel never gave us that."

I was having mixed feelings at that moment; I was confused, sad, but somehow in awe because of Gerard's love and affection towards them.

"He was like... um... fuck, how we call that?" he asked himself, his fingers under his chin, and eyes in reflection..."

'Now isn't the time but I'll just admit he's kind of cute, especially with those abs I'm desperately struggling to keep my eyes off...' my inner self said.

'Focus Melanie!' my subconscious added.

"Umm a polygamous or something like that, guess I wasn't that attentive in sociology classes..." he was trying to make it less sad for him to tell, but I was seeing right through him...

"He was with both my mom and Stephen's mom, not like side chicks, nah... they were married. He married both..." he sighed a long pause before continuing, "He married the two women that were never going to meet each other, clever huh? Things were going smoothly according to his plan. But what he didn't know was that his sons were going to the same school. Stephen... Stephen was my best friend. And even more than that; he was even closer to me than my own twin brother has ever been... one day, I saw him entering one of my father's car. I knew it was because of the logo on it. That was weird to me so I did my best to follow the car on my little bicycle to know where it was going. It stopped in front of a huge gorgeous mansion. There was a beautiful woman standing by the front door. What broke my heart was what I saw next; Stephen stepping out of the car along with my father, and the latter kissed that woman... I wasn't even sure if I was seeing clearly because my dad was a model for me, but then this... what was my next move? I confronted him. I rushed towards him and asked what the hell all of this was. He was shocked and guilt could be seen all over his face. Stephen too was confused, along with his mother. I didn't even give Sergel time to explain himself, I just rushed home. That night was the most painful night of my entire life. I cried all night, wishing all of this were not true. But for what use huh? That night I lost my dad and my best friend... I didn't say anything to mom or Taylor. I figured it wasn't my story to tell. Months later, Sergel finally told them the truth, and that jerk decided that it would be better to divorce from mom. What built so much hatred in me was the fact that he abandoned us; he left us for them, for Stephen and his mom. Stephen already had everything I could ever have; he was and still is just a spoiled little brat so why take away the love of my dad also? From that day Stephen started treating me like rubbish when, honestly, that should be the other way around. He thinks that he is better than me because he got the expensive holidays, big mansions, expensive cars, and at the end even managed to have the dad. That's why I hate him so much; because his arrogant ass can't stop rubbing that fact on my face."

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