Chapter 5 - Jack's Birthday

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Sasha and Hannah laughed as they were actually trying to fool Jonie.

"Huh?" Jonie was shocked since he didn't know exactly what was that for.

"Guys, can you stop fooling around?!!!" I asked them and Sasha and Hannah sat down on one of Jonie's couches.

Since now that all three of them were with me in Jonie's house, I can do the serious interview. My gosh, why am I being incredibly serious today. It must have been something I ate this morning.

"So Sasha and Hannah, can you two tell me ..." I said when the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Hmm, ... who could it be?" Sasha questioned, holding her small silver bag and her pet pooch.

The door opened and ...

"Jack!!!" Everyone including me yelled as he went inside holding a big birthday cake.

"Huh? Who's birthday is it?" I completely have no idea who's birthday is today and asked.

"Mine. Don't tell me you forgot?" Jack smiled and placed the gigantic cake on Jonie's huge circular table.

"Well, I guess you're right ... I forgot!" I nervously said.

"Well, I guess this is the first birthday I won't get a gift from my fiance." Jack said.

Wait, did he just say fiance? What??? Really? Who said we're getting married? We're just boyfriend girlfriend here. Who had came up with an idea like that. It's an early age.

"Huh? C'mon Jack! It's an early age." I said telling my head 'what the f*** are we getting married already'.

"C'mon, your 18, I'm 20. The exact age for people who should get married!" Jack exclaimed.

"Umm ... who told you that's a reason we should get married?" I said getting that doink in my head of WTF.

"So, you mean, we don't need to be married!!!" Jack said with a weird look at me in the eye.

"No, that's not what I ..." I said when he interrupted me.

"THEN WE SHOULDN'T!!!" Jack yelled in front of my face with Jonie, Sasha and Hannah listening, left Jonie's house, and slammed the door.

"Wow, That was the best birthday present someone could get." Sasha said in sarcasm.

"It wasn't my fault!!!" I angrily shouted.

"It was, ... actually." Hannah added.

"You all shut you freakin' mouths." I screamed.

Yeah, turns out that wasn't the best party ever. It took about a couple days for us to communicate to each other again. The only person I could to for 2 days was Jonie. He actually didn't mind about those quarrels, so it turned out, Ican't talk about Sasha's and Hannah's stories for that moment.

The birthday was such a complete mess. The cake wasn't eaten, so it grew molds. Jonie's house was almost torn apart after the fight, but he can still pay for the repairs. Good Job Jonie!!! For a moment later, ...















"Aaaahhh!!!!" A girl screamed from afar.

I went to see who it was, but ...

"Aaaaahh!!!" I screamed as loudly as I can.


Hey guys, Love this NEW chapter? Don't worry about Jack. Hel'll get over it. Again, nothing to be scared of here. No violence here in this story. It's already about 1/5 of the whole book. It just seems that there are no mysteries being revealed, which actually there are. You just have no clue where. Anyways, I really appreciate you all reading this. Well again, you all know what to do.

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And this is "jvc_1019musiclover" signing out...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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