Chapter 4

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Different POV! Yay!

*Marcel's POV*

I thought I had lost my phone forever or someone had broken it. Thankfully, Katrina was there to save me. God she's so beautiful. And kind unlike these stupid hoes at thus school.

Unlike most students I want to LEARN in high school, not play around...that much.

If I was invited to a party, I wouldn't resist going. I'd like to think if myself as a socialite in a last life.

"See you tomorrow Ms. Miller!" I put the broom back in the art room and wave goodbye to the middle-ages teacher.

"Bye Marc! Thanks for helping me again. These kids are animals. I should go back to 1st grade art." She muttered to herself loud enough for me to hear.

I chuckled to myself. Everyone knew those were empty threats.

As I check the time on the wall before exiting the building, I see that I've kept Katrina waiting for over 10 minutes. She must be really upset for waiting that long.

I hop down the stairs, in a rush thus not watching where I'm going. I trip over a person, and we both go tumbling to the ground. The person utters a squeal as she? falls.

"Oh I'm s-so sorry! I-I was in a rush, a-and..." I start explaining myself then stop when I see who I had tripped over.

Katrina. What a great impression Marcel.

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