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MERRY CHRISTMAS (And to those that don't celebrate it:) HAPPY RANDOM SUNDAY!!! :3


Gray huffed, staring down at the city below. Lights glowed like stars, but they weren't as exciting as the real ones twinkling above. The demon swung his legs loosely at the roof's end. He was currently on one of the tallest buildings in Gotham, Wayne Tech.

Glancing up at the real stars and the illuminated moon, Gray's literal gray eyes twinkled, and he frowned. Looking back down, he brushed his fingers against the cool granite he was sitting on.

Gusts of wind blew harder against Gray, making him sway unsteadily at the edge of the roof. Truthfully, Gray was afraid of heights. Heights and water. Fortunately, he didn't have to eat or drink.

Gasping sharply, he gripped to the sides as he almost tipped over the edge. Yes, he was a demon, but demons could die again. It's called second-death. As if one death wasn't enough...

The cold air made Gray shiver. Stupid mortal feelings...

The gray-eyed demon fiddled around with a beautiful, white, and fluffy feather on a necklace around his neck. Black and gray smaller, fluffier feathers also hung from the chain.

Gray closed his eyes and gripped the necklace, recalling what today was.

April 1st, 3:27am.

He winced in pain. No, he didn't want to remember. He didn't want to remember at all. But his heart just didn't want to let go of the memory, no matter how many protests his brain sent. His parents' death left a dark hole right smack in the middle of his heart, but even that couldn't force his heart to let go. It was like it wanted the pain, like somehow he deserved the pain.

Gray hated that feeling. The feeling of just wishing someone was right next next to you, though all you feel is nothing. Like the whole world was against you. Like this is what you deserve. Like you just want to cry and yell at the world, but something is forcing you back. That, for your information, is being depressed. Yet, Gray couldn't blame himself for his depression. With his gray eyes, he seemed blind, and although he is blind, his eyes weren't the ones blind. It was his heart who was blind.

It blocked him from humanity, and just focused on "The Flying Graysons." Gray's only wish was to move on, but his heart was his core, his center, and that was why he just couldn't.

The wind felt ten times colder and stronger as it did before, and that was the only boost Gray needed to stop forcing it back.

He screamed and shouted, and he knew no one was gonna be about.

Scream and Shout, You Know No One's Gonna Be About (Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now