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Gray trotted over to the oversized computer happily, "Dannngggg I really need one of these," he mumbled to himself as he pressed a few keys, the two humans standing beside him.

"Access Denied," the computer stated.

"You wanna bet?" Gray challenged the device. Weird, green codes took over the screen for a moment, then it returned to the previous page.

"How are you doing that?" Kid Flash asked the demon.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," responded Gray in a sing-song voice.

Kid Flash snorted in response.

"Ah, here we are," Gray glanced over at the two and backed away from the computer, gesturing to it as he backed off, "Your info, your job. I'm not reading any of that Justice League rahat," he admitted.

"Rahat?" echoed Kid Flash in confusion.

"Demon Language for shit. Now read the files and I'm gonna to scat now," the ebony demon turned away and made his way back over to the shadows.

Kid Flash and Aqualad shared a glance, "Actually, Gray. We would like it if you were to assist us on our mission?" requested Aqualad.

Gray stopped short in his tracks. They were... inviting him to something? He turned halfway around, "Why?" was the only thing he asked.

"You probably know Cadmus a lot more then we do," awnsered Kid Flash.

Ah, that's why. The demon faced back at the shadows, and he closed his eyes considering the offer.

"Nah," he turned around and faced the two, "I love doing random crap..." Gray explained as he saw their disappointed looks, "...and saving people from a fire isn't all that random."

With that he left, not missing their "oh well we tried" glances at eachother.


Gray laid on top of Wayne Enterprises with his eyes closed, taking a midnight nap. He could never seem to shake off the freezing feeling he felt everywhere he went, and it angered him.

Cold cold cold.

That was the only physical feeling he could ever feel. Oh, how he craved for the feeling of warmth. But who would care? 

The ebony demon exhaled, opening his eyes to watch as the cold air around him made his normal breath look like fog.

Maybe he should have accepted the two human pups' offer? No, there would be tremendous amounts of noise, and Gray hated noise. Water, heights, and noise. Anything else he should add? No, that's good for the hate list for now.

He ran his fingers over the both smooth and cool granite, like he did not to long ago, and shivered at it's freezing touch.

Why was everything so cold?

Why wouldn't it just end?

Why, why?

Gray slowly curled up in a ball and tried to absorb his own body heat for warmth. He even had a jacket on, but it seemed as if he wasn't even wearing it. The demon looked at one of his hands, which wasn't even cold anymore because it was so painfully numb.

Dull, gray eyes stared at his own numb hand, balling it into a fist and back. He then sighed a breath of frustration, feeling the slight pinching feeling his numbed hand offered him.

Looking back at the sky, he stared at one star to another, and another, and another. Bright, warm, free stars. 

Gray frowned, suddenly wanting to help the two human pups out. Their presence gave just the slightest feeling of warmth, and that was all Gray wanted; warmth.

Would they still be carrying out their mission? 

The demon exhaled and watched his breath yet again, thinking it through, "It's worth a try."

Scream and Shout, You Know No One's Gonna Be About (Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now