{6} The Organ Grinder and the Monkeys

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The mystery of how the Doctor knew Belle's middle name was not solved. He instead moved the subject back to the idea that the girls had. He was very against them going to speak with the Martian and wanted to find anyone else to do it. The problem with that was, obviously, the fact that everyone on the submarine was a soldier. The only people who were not soldiers or involved in any kind of war were the only two girls on the submarine.

After what felt like forever of bickering with the Doctor to realize that fact (Belle believed that he knew the fact, he just refused to acknowledge it), he finally cracked and let them do it. Both girls were given headsets that connected to a radio and they found inspection lights once they were inside. The Doctor would be able to speak to them through the radio headset and guide them on what to do if they would ever need help from him. Belle didn't doubt that they would need it.

There was definitely a little tension whenever they entered the room with the Martian in it. Belle was frightened because who wouldn't be? This alien was presumably very dangerous and she was not equipped to deal with it. It was a good thing that the Doctor would be helping them by instructing them. If he wasn't then she probably would've bailed by now. She also didn't want Clara to go in alone.

"Ready, Clara?" The Doctor inquired.

There was a moment of hesitation from Clara. She stared at the Martian and Belle could see that she was a little freaked out by this whole ordeal as well. Once she felt confident enough, Clara spoke up, "Yeah." 


A deadpan look was on Belle's face. She cast a glance to the camera in the room so the Doctor could see her expression, "Yes. I'm ready. Just like I was ready the last few times you asked me." Even if she wasn't ready, it would be a little too late to go back now. The door they entered in had already closed and it was heavy enough to open it from the outside.

"You can never be too sure," Was the Doctor's only excuse. He let out a shaky breath, revealing the nerves that he felt, "Okay." While he wasn't the one facing off against the Martian, he still had to worry about Clara and Belle. Belle understood his worry. The Doctor always felt like it was his responsibility to ensure the safety of the people he traveled with and if something happened to them, he always took it personally.

Neither of the girls said anything. They shared a look that clearly said to the other, 'Well? Aren't you gonna go?' which then turned into, 'Why do I have to go first?' Finally, Belle rolled her eyes and gestured with her head for Clara to go first. Clara took a deep breath and stepped forward once, getting close enough for the Martian to see her but not close enough to seem like a threat. Clara's voice came out clear and strong, although a bit shaky, "Grand Marshal Skaldak."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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