Chapter 3, So That's New

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                 i woke up still in the chair shivering, shirtless and pants less. My head throbbed, i'm sure that I had a major concussion. I leaned back, where's the Nate I knew?. What did Natemare do to him? Thoughts like these raced through my head for what felt like hours until the door opened. In walked Natemare, I sat up and watched him, my heart picking up, he sat a book down and brought over a stool. "I'm going to try something". He undid my zip ties but soon moved me to the stool and tied me down. My back now exposed. I heard a blade open. "No no no", I mumbled. "Oh yes YN". His breath hit my neck. He dug the knife into my back, and I let out a blood curtailing scream. He ignored my desperate cries and pleas, and continued carving. I passed out slumping forward.

In my lala land.

                   "YN?...YN?, Hello?" I looked around and saw Nate, the true Nate. I let out a cry. "Nate what happened?" "I'm still there, I'm in his head". I stopped, "Wait what do you mean?" He sighed sadly, "I don't know but he's taking over, but I'm getting stronger". I nodded not even close to getting why Natemare took over. "Nate, I don't think I'll make it, I don't want to be his doll, and I think he might kill me if I refuse". He hung his head but grabbed my hands. "YN, I know that you will last, I don't know when I'll be back, but I know you can make it". I nodded confidence building in me. "Before you wake up back into that hell I need you to know something", I looked at him, "I'm always there, I may be in Natemares mind but I'm there I swear". "Okay". "Fake it if you have to, it's okay I won't hold it against you".

Nates pov

             My vision recovered, I still wasn't in control but I know something happened, it felt like I astrol-projected. I saw what Natemare had done. I cried out, in ugly gashes the letters N. M. scratched across YNs back. blood was pouring out quickly. "Natemare what have you done?!?", I cried. He laughed, and shrugged, "Not much, I just branded her".

YN pov

                    I woke up and screamed as pain erupted from my back. Natemare laughed from where he was standing, "Here, I took a picture so you could see", He held his phone in front of my face, my vision pulsating, I would be shocked if I didn't pass out again. I saw what the writing was and I yelped out in horror, N. M. "You you branded me?" He laughed, "You act like that's a bad thing, don't you like it?". I didn't respond, I couldn't physically move. "Well enough fun for a few days, lets go and get you cleaned up". He cut my restraints and I wasn't able to hold myself up so I fell to the ground, the concrete crashing with my arms, my back moving making me scream till I had no voice left. I wish Nate was here. I felt him grab both of my arms and yanked me up. I couldn't take it and felt my eyes lull to the back of my head. 

                      I woke up moments later but in a bathtub, thankfully I had my bra and underwear on still. The water hit me and at first I felt numb, then the pain kicked in and I let out a scream of agony. Soon enough it was over, and I got moved to the bed and I passed out. I literally couldn't stay awake, I felt like I was dying. I'm pretty sure I might be.

                      After however long I opened my eyes, a wave of pain hit me. "Ah", I gasped. I saw a white wrap covering my torso. I saw light flooding into the room, I wasn't chained to anything, and I felt like death to put it simply. I moved my feet fire burning in my back, 'I. Will. Get. Out'. "Oh good your up, I was hoping you were okay and in no need of medical attention", Natemare stepped in the room with  a bottle and what i'm guessing medical supplies. I tried not cussing, my chance is gone. He opened the bottle and held out 3 small  pills, Tylenol. I grabbed them but didn't take them immediately. "I want to talk to him". I saw him flinch. "Who?" I rolled my eyes, "I want to talk to Nate". He hissed at Nates name, "Oh I'm sorry, but that'll never happen".

a few days later

                          I could walk my back didn't hurt nearly as bad as it did the other day, but I still felt weak. It sucks ass. He thought I was asleep, my eyes are use to this darkness. After he had found out I was going to try and run I've been locked in here, when I fell asleep he put food and water on a tray and left it, I haven't been able to see light for a while. He is standing not 3 inches from my bed. I can feel his eyes staring at me. I saw his hand move to my face, I shut my eyes, his hand brushed my hair off my face, I didn't move. His hand moved from my face down my back, which no longer had a bandage on it. He traced the 2 letters and I jumped 'waking up'. "W-what are you doing?!?". "Oh YN your awake, good I have a surprise". I cocked an eyebrow, "A surprise", What is he going to do, tie me to a pole make me dance? I didn't care, all I wanted to do at the moments is to get out of this room. He grabbed my hands, "I even picked out an outfit for you to wear" He said in a way to happy for comfort way and pulled me up. He handed me the clothes and turned around willingly. I quickly changed out of the 'pjs' I'd guess is what you'd call them into the shorts and loose shirt. I put on the socks and shoes ready to go wherever. "Alright I'm done". 

                       He turned around and smiled. "Oh here", he held out a simple Yin and Yang reckless. I found it weird considering. I put it on and he motioned for me to follow him. Don't question it, be thankful your not being dragged out by your arm or hair, I said to myself. He grabbed some keys and turned off some lights. "Wow I'm going to let you outside, but you have to walk beside or in front of me, and I have to let you in and out of the car, or else, something much worse will happen to you than just being in that room for 5 days straight". He smiled and guided me out. I followed his instructions. I put on my seat belt and looked out the window. Things looked so different compared to last time ...before everything happened. I saw my reflection, I didn't look half bad considering. He drove in silence till we stopped stopped, "What is this?" I asked looking at the building. "Why this is your surprise, we're getting your ears pierced". I gaped at him. I didn't have a lot of time to think because he was at my door and letting me out, "Don't say anything or else". I nodded

Nates pov

                  I'm going to save her, this is the final straw. He walked her in and she had no idea what to do. I could see that she was thinking about bolting. She turned away towards the hall that led to the door. Natemare must have seen it coming because the door had all of the locks locked  and he was grabbing her in an instant. "Natemare stop" I growled, then my head was filled with pain

YNs pov

                       Natemares grip on me loosened and I fell to the ground clutching my neck. I saw a brilliant white light then two figures in front of me, Natemare and Nate. Coughing I crawled forward, "Nate Nate?!?" He moved and opened his eyes. When the focused he sat up, took one glance at Natemare and whispered, "So thats new". He got up and pulled me with him. He went to the door and unlocked it. Before we made it out my shirt was yanked back "Nate!!" I screamed, he turned around and I felt Natemare hold my neck and jaw. Obviously, he was threatening to snap my neck. "Hello Nate". Nate moved for me but I was yanked back. "No no no, she's me doll, not yours". He waited then continued, "I would come in lock the doors and follow me if you don't want YN in two". Nate slowly shut the door and locked it. "Good, now, go to the room". Nate walked past and I was forced to follow, then we both were shoved into the room, me knocking against Nate and us colliding on the floor. The door shut and Natemares laugh echoed as the lock clicked. Nate got up and started banging on the door, "Nate no" He turned and looked at me, "Oh YN, I'm so sorry". He helped me up and put me in a hug. "I'm so sorry he did this to you". 

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