Chapter 4, Just Stop

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Nates pov

                    YN was asleep on the the bed, I was watching over her, it was a process we had, so Natemare couldn't take us by surprise. The door opened and I watched, he seemed focused not on YN, but on me, "Come on ass, you're coming with me". I didn't move, "No, I'm not leaving her". He chuckled, "oh please, she'll be joining us, now come on". I didn't move, "come on Nate, what are you standing around for, remember what I said?, If you don't do as I say I'll snap her neck" He sang in an over cheery voice. Goddammit, I got up. "Good choice, follow me". I found myself in the basement, facing a chair and shackles attached to the wall. Natemare had walked up to me, and quickly grabbed my arms throwing them both into chains then stood back admiring his work. "Oh, I almost forgot". He came back holding a black bandanna. He left me to mumble and try and yank free of the chains. Moments later I heard a scream, the one I've heard far to many times, YN. Everything went quiet. Then I saw the two appear, YN had on the stupid ball gag. 

                  She froze when she saw me, I tried to give her an 'I'm okay' look but she was forced across the room and into the chair. She was zip tied down and the gag was removed from her, he also took off mine. "YN YN, are you okay?!?, I heard you scream". She nodded, "Yeah I'm fine, I thought he killed you". "Shhh!!" Natemare interrupted, "We're going to play a really fun game now. I brought a cart with pads attached to wires and a bucket of water, a gigantic bucket". He moved to me and took his knife, he cut straight down my shirt and pulled it apart reveling my abs and chest. He attached a pad to my chest and my torso. He was going to electrocute me. He splashed some waster on me and I coughed shaking my head trying to move my hair. "Did you know that it only takes one amp to kill a person?" I froze. "We're gonna start out with 0.2 and see what happens". "No!" YN screamed "Please don't, not Nate". Natemare smiled at me and turned around, "Okay, I wont, but only if you do something for me in return". He paused and I made eye contact with YN, she was crying. "I want you to scream my name when I bang you". Her face froze in terror. "No, don't you dare lay a finger on her". I growled he laughed. "Oh what?, You cant do anything, all you would be able to do is close your eyes and pretend it's you". He waited for YNs answer, but before she responded I spoke to her. 

                   "YN, if your worried about me I'm fine, I'll be okay as long as he doesn't hurt you, I'll survive I promise". She started crying and I remembered something, "YN?, I'm always with you I swear." She looked at Natemare, "...n-no". He cocked his eye brow, "Fine, now watch him suffer". She yelled in horror, "Hey YN, look away, close your ey-" I screamed as electricity ran through my veins, my muscles clenched and my sight went all wobbly. Then it stopped. My head fell and that's when I heard her screams. "Nate, Nate?!?" "I'm fine", I called out my voice cracking. "Oh please" Manic laughs erupted, "That was nothing, lets crank it up to a .6". Before he pressed the button he said, "The offer still stands, all it takes is a simple yes". "No! YN I'm not joking don't you dare say yes". She looked between us, and clenched her jaw, "No". I slouched back in relief. But it was short lived when I felt even more pain, I screamed in agony. It seemed like forever before it stopped and I was left on my knees coughing and spitting out blood.

                  "Howa bout one amp?, Lets just cut out the middle man completely". "No, I'll do it, yes I accept the deal just stop hurting him". "YN" I couldn't talk. "On two conditions, 1) I get to take care of Nate, and see him in any free time I have, and 2) I wont have sex with you". I could only listen, "Deal". I heard a blade and then things being cut, then the wires were ripped off and so were the chains, I fell to the floor not being able to hold my self up. "Nate, Nate, hey, you're going to be okay, I promise", she whispered, I nodded, "I know".

YNs pov

                I helped Nate up and pulled his arm around my shoulders and helped him into the room. I put him on the bed and grabbed some water, he was sitting up, I held it as he drank, then grabbed a tee shirt from the dresser and poured some of the remaining water on it and started cleaning the blood from his mouth and ears. "Why did you say yes?", He asked looking up at me. I rubbed his nose, getting the last of the blood. "Nate, I promise I'll get us out, I'll just have to play along, but I wont mean any of it". He nodded. "Now get some sleep, okay, I'll be back later to check on you". He nodded. I left and saw Natemare in the kitchen, "Are you happy, Doll?" I inwardly cringed, "Yeah". He turned around, knife in hand, "For now on Doll, I want you to call me Master". I frowned but sighed, "Fine... Master". He smiled at his win. 

                 "Good, now its time to eat". I sat down in the chair, and he brought a plate over to me, I haven't eaten in a few days, and I know that Nate's the same way. I quietly ate and felt his eyes stare at me. I finished and he said, "Alright, now go do the dishes, clean up". I nodded, and walked away from him. I quietly did what I was told and when I was done I quickly took what was left and grabbed some water, and I went into the room. Nate was up and he was looking around, "Nate", I whispered I handed him the plate and I sat the water bottles on the table. "How are you feeling?", I asked. "I'm okay, but I could use a shower". I smiled, "Eat and then you can take the shower". He nodded. "You never answered my question". I frowned, "Nate, you were going to die, I was not going to let that happen". He looked away, "But now you have to do what he says". I shushed him, "And I'll survive". 

                 he finished eating and I helped him into the bathroom. "I'll be outside". I shut the door and waited, after a while Nate stumbled out wearing a towel, I blushed but helped him into the room, "I'll grab you some new stuff to wear". I walked past Natemare and he smugly smiled, "When you're done I need you in here, I split some wine Doll". "Okay give me a few". He grabbed my chin tightly, "Excuse me?" I froze, "Yes I'll do it, Master". he let go and I walked away quickly. When I shut Nates door I slid down and covered my mouth, a few tears fell down my face. After a minute I moved to his dresser, I grabbed his mountain dew pajama pants and a tee shirt, I went back and trying to not be as awkward as I felt, and grabbed his boxers. I quickly avoided Natemare and handed Nate his clothes, "I have to go, I'll try and see you tomorrow okay?" He nodded.         

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