Part 8

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It started the night she left. Petty criminals with their own welded to them.

"Credit where it's due, at least she's more sanitary than her Father was." Penguin was reading the paper of Red's shoulder. "Has anyone made him aware that his baby girls gone AWOL?"

"Puddin'. Please say something. We're all getting worried." Red lifted his head. Surrounding him where a lot of puzzled faces.

"We've got to find her, before someone else catches her first." He exchanged glances with the Riddler, he knew what Red meant. And it was a thought he had considered also.

"She used to work at Noonan's right? Think someone there's hiding her?"

"The only person I can think of there is that old Pisshead, sixpack."

"She's to clever for that. The girl's literally gone without a trace. How do we know this isn't that Dogwelder 2 that Sixpack knew?" Flag emerged from the shadows by the door. "But my next question, why the fuck do you care so much about this kid?" His gaze locked with Red's.

"That's none of your damn business." his voice quiet, his done deadly. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to find out as much as I can before I hurt one of you."

"Puddin' wait for me!" Harley moved to follow him, grabbing his arm. to make him wait. He pushed her to the floor and sneered.

"This has nothing to do with you." Ivy rushed to her side to help her. She wasn't afraid of him in any of his personas.

"I hope the little bitch is worth the hassle Joker, I really do." The door slammed behind him before she had even finished her words. A short silence in the room broken by the screech of tyres and his manic laughter filled the night around him...

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