Chapter 5: Getting Ready for Work Work Work

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A/N: Btw, Max didn't leave the Offices in here.. Maybe in some point.. There will be a Part where Max leaves the Offices.. But anywho, he still makes videos tho.. Now, Onto the Phenomenal Story!

{AJ's POV}

"AJ! Wake Up!" Someone said "Ughhh.. 5 more minutes mo-- Wait?! Max?" I said "What?" Max said "What Happened?" I said "Well, you slept in the car.. When we got home i tried to wake you up but you didn't.. So me and Ross carried you to here.. Which is your Room.." Max said "Ohh.. Ok" I said.. My room looked nice.. It had blue walls, a comfy bed, a bathroom, a closet, and a nightstand.. "Now hurry up! We're late for work" Max said "Yeah, yeah.." I said.. I got up.. Freshened Up (A/N:I dunno if there's that kind of word..) and ready to go.. Wait, i need to eat first..


{AJ's POV}

"C'mon Max! Hurry Up! We're going to be late!" I said "I'm almost done.." Max said "C'mon.. Its been 30 minutes.. And you said that for like 10 times" I said.. After 5 min. Max is already done and we went to the offices..

*Adam's POV* (welp, that's a first)

I felt bad for Shelby that's why she's staying. Shelby's also not that lazy, she sometimes help at the house.. Also, its good for Alesa too have another girl in the house.. "Adam! Can i work at the offices? As like a Recorder?" Shelby said "Sure! We have another extra office.. And it already has recording stuff.." I said "Wow! Thanks Adam! Can we go now?" Shelby said "Actually.. Yeah, Let's go!" I said "Wait! I need to change first.." Shelby said "Ok.. We'll leave in 15 min." I said "Ok!" Shelby said

\ AFTER 20 min. \

*Adam's POV*

"I'm done!" Shelby said "Finally! C'mon Let's go!" I said.. Then we went to the offices

A/N: Its Almost time... For Shelby and AJ's meetup.. Are you guys excited? Well, if anyone's reading.. Maybe they're excited? I dunno.. Anywho, that's all for today nd Have a Phenomenal Day! Seeya!

Word Count: 358 Words


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