Saving Someone (Chapter 5)

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"Day 3 of college, here we go." I said to myself as I stepped into the school grounds.

I went into my classroom and 20 minutes later, my teacher came into the classroom.

"Okay so class! Today we are gonna head out of class and take a field trip near the landmark of New York, which is the 'Statue Of Liberty'.

I sighed. Great, field trips obviously. Why the fuck not...

The teacher told us just to bring our water bottles, writing materials and a clipboard.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out for the door and the whole class headed for the bus waiting for us outside to bring us to the 'Statue Of Liberty'.

The bus drove over and picked up the class and we headed for the city.

Once we got there, the bus opened it's doors and the whole class got off the bus.

We then had to transfer to a ship to bring us closer to the 'Statue of Liberty'

We all looked up and saw the 'Statue Of Liberty'.

As we near the landmark, the teacher said "Okay class! We are here so now I want y'all for your start of year art project, to draw the Statue of Liberty.

The class groaned, it was ridiculous to have a start of year project. We went along with it and used our phone and snapped some pictures of the landmark for reference purposes.

2 hours later, the class drew a rough sketch of the landmark and the teacher told us that we'll be heading back to the bus.

As we arrived back on land, we took a small break on the field. I sat down at one corner and ate a little sandwich I've made earlier.

I scanned through New York's skyline and said to myself "So beautiful."

I looked over to the road nearby the field and saw a girl looking down on her phone with her headphones on waiting at the traffic light.

As the traffic light turned green, the girl crossed the road still looking down on her phone. I looked over and saw a car speeding into the intersection.

I stood up and ran to the traffic light while the car kept honking at the girl.

"Where you going, Y/N?" Said my teacher.

I ignored her and then finally I reached the traffic light and pushed the girl out of harms way. We both fell on the ground while the car sped past by us.

The car continued, lost control and smashed hard into a tree.

The girl looked up and realised what have happened and looked at me.

"Thank you for saving me..." She said.

"Ya, next time be careful. Now I gotta go see whether that driver is okay."

I stood up and ran over to the smashed up car and pulled out the driver.

I decided to put in use my CPR skills I have learned a few years back.

"D R S A B C" I said to myself.

Check for Danger.

No danger.

Check for Response.

"Hello sir, are you okay?!"

No response.

Shout for help.

"Help! Call 911 and get me an AED!"

The girl that I have just had saved whipped out her phone and called 911 for me, a public person ran off to grab an AED. My classmates just watched me from a distance all in shock.

Open Airway.

I opened up the driver's mouth.

Check for Breathing.

I put my ear close to his mouth for 10 seconds to check for breathing.

He wasn't breathing.

Start Compression.

I traced my finger on the ribcage towards the centre, interlocked my hands and locked my elbows. I then started doing CPR on him.

"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 10 and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 15, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 20, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 25, 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 30." I counted out.

I gave him 2 blows into his mouth and I didn't really bother to put a face shield as my mind was only focusing to save the man.

I continued doing compressions repeatedly until a public person came to me with an AED.

I did all the steps to shock the person with the AED.

After I shocked him, the paramedics arrived and picked up the person to transport him to hospital.

The police came too and took down my statement as I was an eyewitness in the car crash.

After all of that drama was over, the girl that I saved from getting hit by the car came up to me and said "Thank you so so so much! You are amazing! I'm Allythea by the way."

"I'm Y/N" I said extending my hand

She extended her hand back and we shook hands.

I passed her my phone contact and she passed me her phone contact and we went on our separate ways again.

Bingo, I've made my first friend in college.

I walked back to my class and they applauded loudly for me.

"Well done Y/N!" My teacher said.

I gave her back a shy smile while the class started settling down.

I went back to the spot where I was eating my sandwich and sat down.

A nice looking guy which is my classmate came up to me and said "That was very brave of you, Y/N!"

"Thanks." I replied shyly.

"I'm Tahrir." He said.

"Nice to meet you." I said letting my insecurities down.

The class than headed back to the bus and we headed back for school.

Fuck me, what a day.

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