It's No Longer Blue (Chapter 8)

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"I've been looking sad in all the nicest places~"
- I Don't Wanna Live Forever by ZAYN & Taylor Swift

A bit of sexual and small violent content in this chapter.

Now on to the story...


Taylor's POV

I lay down in bed, still all blindfolded and handcuffed to the bed poles.

I felt a pain in my vagina and it felt sore.

I've must have passed out when those guys raped and he fucked me with his...


Oh fuck don't tell me he got me pregnant?!?

I hope he didn't...

I hope someone can find me.

Or save me.



Throughout the whole fucking trip to Montréal, my mind was filled with only my sister Taylor.

"Please be alright please be alright please be alright please be alright please be alright please be alright please be alright please be alright" I said in my mind repeatedly.

I clutched my M16 rifle tightly and really wishing to fire this at those fucking assholes that kidnapped Taylor.

"You will pay..." I growled in my mind.

The evil side of me slowly came out and I felt my eyes glow hot red from my normal ocean blue eyes.

It then turned back to my ocean blue colour as I relaxed down when some music was played.

After a few hours, we finally reached Montréal, the van went onto the highway as we drove along. The hacker which I found out his name was Dylan told us that the masked men were hiding inside a warehouse off the next exit of this highway and our vehicle continued flying down and off for the warehouse.

Once we reached the location, our vehicle went around the area and we stopped at this warehouse.

Dylan gave a printed copy of the warehouse's room layout and the commander of the marines planned out where we should raid the area first.

The warehouses had 5 rooms on the 1st floor and 2 rooms on the 2nd floor.

Once we were settled, the marines and I equipped themselves with some magazines for the guns, some stun grenades and a M1911 pistol.

We heard screams coming from the warehouse and we decided to act fast as Taylor is in there.

"Fucking assholes... I'm coming to save you Taylor..." I said in my mind as my ocean blue eyes changes over to full burning hot red irises.

I growled silently like an angry bear that wants to kill someone.

We position ourselves and got ready to bust into the warehouse.

"No mercy shall be shown..." I growled.

The commanding marine in the front gave the signal and the marine behind him grabbed a huge heavy circular tube and smashed the door open.

Long Lost (Taylor Swift AU) [NO LONGER CONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now