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(You can see Lea up top! )

I'm what you might call a klutz or clumsy. My friends and I have found ourselves in many situations that normal people would wonder: how in the world...? Anyway, enough about me, let me tell you how my high school years went:

"Marie! How could you think that this was a good idea?!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "What?! I can't hear you!" The brown haired girl shouts back, not understanding any words I had previously said. The music was too loud for anyone to hear anything over it, but somehow I heard what she had shouted at me.

I grab my phone from my back pocket and open notes. <When did you think this was a good idea?> I wrote to her, showing the message. She takes my phone and types back.

Waiting for her reply, I look around. Knowing this isn't a place for us by the older boys taking a lot of beer in the corner and the couples dancing, already drunk as well, on the floor over two meters away. Panic started to stir in me when I didn't see Mark's figure anywhere near me and Marie. Looking frantically, Marie tapped my shoulder. <Jacob told me there would be cute boys here... I can see he was lying... What are you looking for?> Was the only thing she had written down. I knew she was slow at typing, but this has to be a new record! <Marie, where is Mark?> I type at lightening speed. She looks around, when she can't find him anywhere her brown eyes widen. <Did he get drunk?> Marie asked. I shrugged, not wanting to waste time typing one or two words.

This is going great! Mark disappeared and might be drunk! Marie and I doesn't have any idea of knowing where he is and how to get in touch with him!

Looking around for him was hard. Everyone that was dancing was practically just taking the all the place they could! Plus no one wanted to move an inch! So when we had to push, people would groan and, or look at us in angry and irritated looks!

"God, this is the best night of my life!" Was all I could hear over the best part of the song. I look up, knowing who that voice belongs to. Mark was at the microphone and talking! He was definitely drunk! The guy couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone from school, never mind talking to the hole party like this! He is going to be the laughing stock of high school if we don't get him down now!

*** (Time skip)

Marie was tugging at Mark's arm with everything she had. Me, on the other hand, was pushing him. We had gotten him off the stage, but out the party was a hole other story! His whines and groans where unbearable! The only reason I kept doing this was because I knew why he took the first drink tonight.

Marie was looking at some other guy and whenever she did that, Mark would either sulk or disappear. I knew he liked her from the beginning of fourth grade... He knew that I knew and asked me if I couldn't say anything to anyone. I kept the promise I had made and it has always been the same...

Arriving at Marie's house was easy. She only lived two or three houses away, plus her parents doesn't know or care about anything the three of us do. I guess that's how we had managed to go to this party and do crazy dares that where usually not allowed by Mark's or my parents... Without them we wouldn't have any lives that where either exciting or fun!

Once Mark's blonde haired head of his rested on the pillow, he fell asleep. Having a good idea made a light bulb light up at the top of my head! "Marie?" I said, in a voice that would only fit my personality. "What are we going to do now?" She asked, knowing quite well we never had to indure any boring things like waiting for ideas on what to do. Even if they where bad ideas! "Do you have any pens?" I smile tugged the end of her lips when she got what I was saying. "Yes!" She whispered her shout of excitement.

She went out of the room and came back with a numerous amount of colored pens. "This is going to be funny!" I whisper to Marie. "Yeah!" She says a bit to loudly. We both look at Mark, who groans and stirs a little bit, but doesn't wake up. YES! Getting closer with our wanted colors, we start to scribble over his hole face! Making eye shadow, lipstick, blushing cheeks and writing things like: CUTE~!!! Never would I have thought that drawing could be so hilarious!

But as it is I looked at the clock that indicated an hour of 1h20 in the morning. "We should sleep a bit too... But we have to get up before he does!" I said, making Marie stop her little doodles. She nods, confirming my statement.

As I get ready for bed I think of school related things, like the homework I finished... The test I was ready for in math... The test in history I didn't study for... "OH MY GOD!" I shout out. "What!? Did you hurt yourself again?" Marie comes running, and referring to when I had accidentally tripped over nothing and had managed to hit my head on the counter. "No... Just remember about the test I have on Monday..." I said, looking a bit paler then my usual abnormal paleness. "Is that all?" She asked, looking at me quizzically. "The history test I have on Monday..." I stated, making a big deal with the word history. Her eyes flew open and her mouth was hanging in the blink of an eye. "You will never learn everything you have to know by then! Even if we had the time, you would forget it faster then you learned it! You are the worst in history!" She shouts, making me jump at her sudden outburst. "Thanks for the support..." I said sarcastically. "Sorry, but I can't help you with that!" She said. I knew she was right, but I still grumbled incoherently. Not wanting anymore with her, I went for the makeshift bed and dropped asleep as I hit the ground, softened by the blankets.


Waking up is usually hard for me, but this morning I had a very good excuse why I was up this early. That reason is that I didn't want to wake up with similar doodles Marie and I did on Mark's face.

°•°•°•°•°•°• A/N •°•°•°•°•°•°

Hey thanks for reading my book! I am horrible with my grammar so if you see anything please let me know and I will correct it as fast as possible.

Hope you like the chapter! See you guys later~

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