uncooked chicken

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(You can see Marie Gamble. Sooo pretty!)

I never had a chance. Not with my luck! Mom had gotten the chicken out of the oven and was now putting some in plates. I have some way to do this, but I might end up in the hospital... Not the place I ever want to be... Understanding that either way I would end up there, so the plan goes in action. Mom had put the portions of chicken on the table and was turned around, trying to get the cups out of the cover, I have my short genes from her. I walk to my mother's plate and 'accidentally' drop it on the floor, making the plate shatter as it hits the ground. My mother turns around with a gasp. "What happened?!" She looked sadly at the scattered pieces of ceramic. "I'm s-sorry... I tripped..." I said, acting better then ever in Drama -Why can't I do anything right for school?! She looked up at me, my eyes started to water. "Oh, sweetie!" She went to me, careful to not step on anything sharp, and hugged me. "It's not the end of the world!" She exclaimed. "Of course, but I still feel bad for it..." I admitted. She shacked her head and told me: "I'll clean this up and could you help me by bringing the chicken to the table?" Her warm smile made my guts turn in disgust toward myself. I nodded, but my head was always on the idea of not getting sick tonight or tomorrow.

I head to the counter and take the heavy bowl type thing. Having to lift it up was already something to worry about, the thing was huge! My hands where about to let go, but I was debating it in my mind.

I could let mother know that it might poison us, but she will probably cry...

I could drop this and make a fool out of myself by dropping two things in one day...

I could just let it happen and we will both end up sick...

I don't want to make a fool out of myself so I bring it up to the table... Hopefully it is cooked as well as she thinks it is... "There!" I said in a proud tone. "Good, now could you go get the glasses?" I nodded and did the task. "Let us eat this feast!" My mother said, in a very awkward tone. I only said a little: "yes..." I was very cautious eating this plate of food.

I bring the first bite in my mouth very slowly. Once the meat even hits my tongue the flavor of uncooked chicken through out my hole mouth! No words needed, it tasted awful... I tried to pull a straight face, but was probably what looked like a very retarded face. "Sweetie, do you not like it?" Asked my mother, very worried. I look up to see my mother's face. I note that her complete meal is gone! Did she eat all of that without noticing the vial taste I am trying not to spit out?! All I can do is stare at the now empty plate in front of her. "What's wrong, Lea?" Asked my mother, concern tracing every bit of her voice. I shake my head, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

I end up trying to keep all of the very awful tasting chicken down. It was bader as I ate more and more. But all of that is behind me now... Or for how long this taste stays in my mouth... Hope it won't make me sick tomorrow...

I went up stairs, to my room. As I put my pyjamas on I feel a little bit of nausea. It wasn't that bad, so I ignored it and went to bed.

*** (1:30 AM)

Waking up to a jolt of pain in your stomach and a cold sweat isn't fun, trust me. I could only think of the awful feeling I was going through, not what was causing it. I clutched my belly and moan, I felt like I was going to puke. Another wave of pure torture came. All of a sudden the memories of yesterday flowed through my mind. I turned a little to get my phone on the bed table, but soon found out that wasn't a very good idea. I was there in my bed, waiting for someone to come in my room and help me for over twenty minutes.

Someone was opening the door to my room. "Hello?" I asked in a hushed and pained tone. "Are you alright?" Asked my dad. I shake my head, only making my head spin. "I think I know what you have..." He admitted. "What is it?" I ask, knowing fully well that I had food poisoning. "Well, you know the chicken your mother cooked last night?" I answer with a simple yes. "She didn't properly cook it and with chicken that's very important. So you might have some sort of food poisoning..." I moaned in pain, hearing it is way worst then thinking about it! "Do you think I should call an ambulance?" Asked my father, worry and sorrow filling the voids of his voice. "Yeah... Just to be sure..." I huffed.

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