A tutor?!

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(You can see Mark's photo! Oh my god, hottie!)

Mr. Walton has been starring at me for the past few minutes and it's driving me insane! Like what could he possibly want from me? After at least a minute passes before he said something. "Miss Lea, could I talk to you, outside the classroom?" He asked. I nodded and zoomed out of the class, not wanting to wait to know what he had to say.

"Lea, I know you must still be in a little stress right now, but I need to talk to you..." He said, starting with a very gentle voice, which was rare for him. "The note you did on your test was very low and I am worried about how you're going to pass your year here. This was one of the easiest test. I know you don't want anymore stress, so I am only suggesting this." It sounded more of a question then a statement, but I let him continue without any interruptions. "I think you should get a tutor." Was the only phrase that came out of his mouth, but it was a phrase that paralysed me to my very core.

I could only think of my mother's and father's reaction. This is totally going to upset them! "Lea, I know that it's been a bit rough lately, but me and your parents think that it would be for the best." He said, trying to reassure me. Wait my parents are in on my note?! They didn't talk to me about it... "What?!" Was my very intelligent response to what he had said.

"Lea, me and your parents think that having a tutor would do you more good... I have even talked to your other teachers and they seem to have a similar situation to this one. So as to fix it all at once, why not have the same tutor for all classes! That way you can get the most out of the time you two will be spending together!" He said, his tone a bit... Cheerful?!

"Okay... Well who is going to be my study buddy?" I asked Mr. Walton. "Do you know who Tristan is?" He asked as my eyes grew the size of volleyball. "T-Tristan F-Ford?!" I asked, making sure it wasn't any other Tristan that I knew. "Yes. Very well, now would you like to ask him yourself or would you want me to do that?" He asked. I paused not knowing what to answer. There where two options.

One, I could ask him myself, but I would be so uncomfortable that he would probably just say no. Then if he says no, I would probably be humiliated in front of him and all his friends!

Second option, I could let him ask Tristan for me, but that would make me feel like a very useless person... Then again I would probably won't be humiliated and laughed in my face!

What to choose? "I think I'll ask him." I randomly stated. He nodded, making his greying hair flop a little. "If your having trouble you can always come and ask me to do it." He said. I don't know why, but it sounded like an accusation. Like he was positive on me not being able to do things on my own. That pissed me off, so I didn't take his offer in consideration. I was going to ask the popular Tristan Ford if he was would be willing to be my tutor! Oh God, what have I gotten into?!


"Tristan?! Like Tristan Ford?!" Asked Marie. "Who else in the school is named Tristan, Marie?!" I complained. "God, I'm so sorry for you!" Said Mark, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Why would Mr. Walton had to put me with him?! I swear he has it in for me!" I Screamed out my lungs. Good thing we where at Marie's house, if my parents would have heard that, they would come in my room and tell me how much my education is the most necessary thing for my life and stuff like that.

"Well him and your parents." Specified Marie. I looked at her with an evil glare. "I was always bad at everything, even before high school! Why would my parents make me have a tutor now?!" Mark nodded as if it was his idea in the first place. "Oh." Was the only thing Marie said. "Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" I immediately hurried to apologize. "I'm just a bit overwelmed..." I admit. "It's okay!" She cheerfully states. "Anyway, who wouldn't be overwelmed by having one of the most popular boys tutoring them?" She deadpans. "You are so lucky! He's sooo hot!" She exclaimes. "Hmmm.... I'm still here. I'm your boyfriend? Remember me?" Mark questions, a bit anoyed at her. "Oh my god! I forgot!" She said huredly. "What?! You forgot that you had a boyfriend?!" Screamed Mark now angry. "No, no, no! That's not what I mean! It's just that... Well you... I... Never mind..." Was her reply, and beleive me, it was a bit hard to catch up.


"You know what? I think I'm going to bed." Said Mark after a yawn. He streachted and headed to his own room, apart from ours. "What do you want to do?" I ask Marie as I am not tired one bit. "Well we have watched every movie here at least three times tonight..." She said, motioning to the movies on the shelf. "Okay, no movies... What else?" I asked Marie She only shrugged and said: "I'm tired too... I think I'll hit the hay!" I only nodded, not really knowing how I was going to get any sleep with these thoughts clouding my head.

Marie went to her makeshift bed and not long after I knew she was asleep by her even breaths. Tomorrow will be the day I try to talk to one of the most popular boys in school, Tristan Ford!

°•°•°•° A/N °•°•°•°

I am sooo sorry for the shortness of this chapter! I hope you will understand that with school and tests coming up the time I had is shortened... All the less, I will keep posting whenever I can and hopefully will be able to start with Tristan Ford!

He will be a great part of the story, but don't you worry, I won't spoil anything... As much as I want to, I won't!

Hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions or question you can either comment on the book itself or you could just send me a text on this site, or app if you are using the app.

Till next time! Bye! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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