pancakes and bacon

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(Picture is something Jacob Laurel would look like!)

Tomorrow is Monday and I can't think straight! This test will be the end of me! The table in front of me is support to be able to sit about six to seven people, but I have invaded this table and I took half of it! Plus everything on theses pages make no sense and is unreadable! Okay, I know I wrote those notes, but my handwriting is terrible! I will never be able to have anything done for tomorrow or even pass my test! "This is fantastic!" I yell out loud, not caring if my parents hear me or not.

"Sweetie, what's the problem?" Asked my mom, peaking through the door opened by just a crack. "Oh nothing just some trouble with homework I had. But it's fine now." I said trying to reassure her. Not looking quite convinced, I add: "promise!" She nods and goes away. I sigh, that was a close one. I don't want my parents to know that I'm about to fail my first test in history... Plus I'm not very good at any other subjects... Except for my English and French class! Guess I will fail everything this year...

Better go to sleep, it's 11h00 right now. Preparing myself had gone pretty fast tonight and so I went to sleep at about 11h12.


Waking up is already a very difficult part of a Monday morning. So with my test today I feel like I would never get up. But it is very hard when that little thing called an alarm clock is yelling at me! "God! Can't you just shut up!" I said, pulling my pillow over my head. "Lea, wake up! You have school today!" My mother tries to help me get up, but I just groan. "Lea, I made pancakes and bacon this morning, because I now you don't like Mondays!" She had my at 'pancakes', but bacon too?!

"Best morning ever!" I scream, running down stairs. Looking at the table in the kitchen is like the disappoint of my life. No bacon and no pancakes! "Mom! What is this?!" I scream my lungs out. "Well, Honey, you wouldn't get up so I had to do something..." Said my mother. "I get it, but why bacon and pancakes? They are nothing to joke about!" I stated. "I will never talk like that about food." She said, hands up and palms towards me. I grumble till I sit in the kitchen chairs. "Cereal... Nothing like pancakes or bacon..." Was probably the only thing my mother understood.

After eating my cereal and drinking my orange jus I go upstairs, to my room. I choose my outfit for today. Just a regular jean and a cute pink t-shirt to go with it. "Lea, you have company!" My father, who I guessed almost just woke up, shouted. "Okay, I'll be there in a second!" I shout back. "Make it quick, you don't want to miss first class!" I hear Marie's voice, mocking me. First period is my history class. Lucky, aren't I? Now for the only thing I had to do, to be ready, is pack my homework in my bag. I do that, but they go in every which way.

I run down the stairs, almost breaking my neck when I miss the last step. "Ouch, nothing better then to start the day clumsy..." I mutter under my breath. "Are you okay?!" Asked Mark. "Yeah, totally fine! I've had worst casses." I casually said. "Are you sure? Maybe we need to get you to the hospital?" Marie asked. I saw my father wince at the word 'hospital' and decide that it wasn't that serious. "I'm completely fine!" I assure them. "Okay, but if you feel faint today tell me..." I nodded at Marie's reply. "Now, to school!" I said, making my voice like a brave soldier or something. "You're weird." Deadpanned Mark. I looked at him with an amused pained look. "How could you say such a thing?!" His eyes widen. "I didn't really mean it... I'm sorry... Did I hurt your feelings...?" He stumbled to get all his words out. "I'm fine! I was just messing with you!" I chuckle, seeing his shocked face.

"Don't do that again! I thought you where really hurt!" Marie bursts out, making me look at her twice. "What? Don't do what exactly?" I asked. "Falling down the stairs like you did!" She was flailing her arms around like a little kid. "Marie, don't be over dramatic!" I said, not a care in the world that I had been in danger not twenty minutes ago. "Yeah... You are a klutz after all..." She said, worry tracing her words. If only she knew that I-. My thoughts where stopped there by Mark pulling me to the yellow bus that had stopped moments before.

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