Short Glance | Chapter 2

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Justin's POV -

"Bye babe, I'll see you tonight, and yes it will be great, yes fancy dinner, dress beautiful, yes babe, bye" I hung up the phone, I was going to dinner with my hot girlfriend, if I can even call her that. There was always another girl in the back of my mind, and Hailey knew that, but it didn't really bother her.

We left for the resurgent in my new Range Rover, we didn't talk the whole way there. When we got there I was facing the door, and Hailey was facing the rest of the restaurant. It was an incredibly boring dinner she talked about he's elf and her modeling the whole time.

"Yeah and the other day I was at this really cool shoot..." She said as I zoned off, I just sort of nodded and said yeah every once in a while. Then something caught my eye, I could even hear her say something to her cell phone. I saw her long dark locks and her small frame and she said, "Yes baby, I'm coming home right now with the food." That's sent a shiver down my spine, she called someone else baby.

Selena's POV -

My mom was dropping the girls off at home that night, I was just getting back from the studio after working for hours, I feel bad for my mom, good thing she loves those girls to death. I stopped my one of my favorite restaurants and picked up a ton of food. It's sort of a Gomez family tradition to eat super late, but the food is always from a fancy restaurant. And me and my girls will just sit on the couch with music on in the background dancing, talking, laughing, and eating. It always resulted in them falling asleep on the couch and me having to bring them into their rooms. That night it was Harper's favorite restaurant so she called me to make sure I got her order perfectly. I answered my phone while I was leaving.

"Hi mommy, did you get my order right?" Harper yelled.

"Yes baby"

"Okay how much longer?"

"I'm coming home right now with the food,"

"Okay bye mommy I love you!"

"I love you too, bye!"

Then I got home and the laughing and dancing and singing and eating started. When they fell asleep I carried them both up to their rooms, Harper's was blue and purple while Finley's was green and blue. And when I went back down stairs I watched way to much tv, but one add kept popping up. It was Justin Bieber's Calvin Klein campaign. Every time I see him online it reminds me how alone I am, I have the two best daughters in the world, buts it's so hard. When I see him I think of sleeping alone in my bed, I haven't been with anyone else after him. And I know he has a girlfriend but sometimes I just want a friend.

Justin's POV -

It was the morning after I saw her, Hailey got out of my bed and left early that morning, so I decided to be bold. That morning I was going to drive to Selena's house. I needed closer. I had never gotten that when she left. So I dressed myself and got in my car and drove over, punched in the gate code I still knew by heart, and drove up. I got out of my car, it was almost twelve, lunch, I should have eaten before I left. But I parked, got out and knocked on the door.


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