I Loved You | Chapter 3

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Selena's POV -

I heard a car pulling up, I knew that car, the next thing I did was horrible.

I made my house myself, so I made it so there was one door that separated the house from one side to another, one side was the normal house, the other was all the girls play stuff and an extra little kitchen and bathroom and bedroom. So I shoved the sleepy girls in there with a plate of food and water bottles. Then I had a temporary freak-out and then I answered the knock.

"Hello... Justin? Why are you here, at my house" I questioned.

"I just want to know why." He blurted.

I invited him inside and made tea and a little plate of food.

"Can you just tell me why?"

"No Justin, you don't get to know why, all I can tell you in that, during that time you were very unstable and I needed some stability in my life."

"I stable, I always was stable and I loved you and you didn't give a shit!"

"Justin I did, I really did, I just couldn't love you back, not then, there was just something I really can't tell you that got in the way of everything. At the time I thought this thing was a problem, but now it's amazing."

"Is it a different guy... Please just tell me."

"No Justin, it's not, I haven't been with anyone else after you, unlike you. It's practically a new girl every day,"

"Okay Selena that's not fair, after you left it was so hard and really, I just don't understand how you could do this to me if you loved me so much,"



"No...," I couldn't take it anymore and I fell to my knees and cried, my girls, I couldn't tell him, but I didn't know what to do.

"Selena, you can tell me anything, I love you and I always will," he said and kissed the top of my head.

"What I did was horrible,"

"It's okay, just tell me,"

"Justin, you got me pregnant..."

Hey guys!! Thanks for reading, I just updated the two chapters, I have a couple more to write then ill post some more in a week or so. Thanks so much for reading (not that anyone is yet) and if you do see this, comment whatever you think! -M

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