Mommy | Chapter 5

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- Six months later -

When they got to lunch they talked about nothing in particular, and then time moved by fast, Justin and Hailey broke up, Selena had a breakdown, and the twins were four, going into their first year of school that coming Monday.

- Selena's POV -

"Girls! Come on, Gianna is almost here to take you two to grandmas house and then to you first day of school!" well this was just the practice for the first day of school. Gianna was the driver, she would come in and pick them up in one car. Then there was another car at my moms house in which Gianna would switch into in the garage with the girls, so no one would see them together and it was be very hard to piece it together. The girls were in their pajamas still, they didn't really understand what was going on exactly, I told them it was a secret game, to get to school.

The plan went off wonderfully and the girls got home and ran around, dressed themselves, and played in the jungle gym.

Their uniforms had just arrived, small plaid and pleated skirts, I was so excited to get a couple of hours off everyday!

"Mommy, where is my bow? Harper has hers but I can't find mine," Finley screeched.

"Babe, it's right down here on the table, come get it!"

Gianna got there and drove them around. When they left I cried a little, I was all alone, no friends and no adorable little girls. I felt so alone that I kind of called Justin and asked him to come over.

- Justin's POV -

When I got that call I was so surprised.

"Hi, it's me Selena, can you come over, um I'm kind of lonely and I just kinda need a friend because, um two of my best friend left and they won't be home for a while so I can't talk to them... well if you want to come, you can."

"Of course I'll come, I'll be there in fifteen."

"Okay thanks Justin, I think this will be fun, but bye."

"It will be, Bye." and I hung up. It was weird of her to call me, especially after Hailey and I broke things off, it was kind of nice to hear from her, because I had heard she had a little mental breakdown at one of her shows.

I got dressed and I hurried over to Selena's house, it had to be important. But when I got there she just wanted to watch a movie. So we sat in the coach right next to each other, then slowly I moved my had closer to her leg on the coach, and when she didn't move over, or push  my hand away, I put my arm around her, slowly pulling her into my chest. I really missed old times when that was a normal thing for the both of us to do. I really missed that. I knew it would never be the same, but in the middle of the movie she looked up at me. I looked into her deep brown eyes, and she looked into mine. Within seconds, our lips touched softly, and then harder, and then we were ripping each other's clothes off.

"Selena are you sure you want to do this,"

"I have never been more sure about anything,"

Two hours later, we were lying in Selena's bed, and she was half asleep while I was brimming with excitement. I had just slept with the girl of my dreams. So I got up and took a shower and put my clothes back on and when I walked out Selena was dressed and she moved to look at her clock.

"OH NO, Justin you have to go, now I'm sorry but you have to go because I have to go and get something."

"Okay Selena but can we talk I need to know what we are."

"Justin we aren't anything, but you really need to go now."

"Okay but Selena please I want to talk..."

"MOMMY, we are home!! want to hear how school was?" I heard a little girl scream. Mommy? what was going on? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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