[04] Leaving On a Jetplane

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Picture of Hottie McTottie, a.k.a Matt Lanter who plays Jesse.

So kiss me and smile for me, 

tell me that you'll wait for me, 

hold me like you'll never let me go.

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, 

don't know when I'll be back again. 

Oh, babe, I hate to go.

~Leaving On A Jetplane, John Denver

Mum knocked on my door, "All done?"

I frowned, "It isn't shutting." I told her, gesturing to my suitcase, making my mum laugh.

"What have you got in there?" She asked, curiously, starting to rummage through the contents. I smacked her hand softly. "Mu-um," I whined like a spoilt kid, "It's all their fault," I said, pointing an accusing finger at my two best friends who were sitting at the corner of my bed with identical angelic expressions adorning their faces.

"What did they have to do with this?" My mum asked me, before looking looking at the two culprits with an understanding gaze in her eyes.

"You put too much stuff in her suitcase so it wouldn't close, didn't you." She asked them knowingly.

"I don't know what you're taking about," Nate said, maintaining the angelic look on his face, "We were just helping."

"Sure you were," I grumbled before flinging my sock at him, hitting him on the face.

"Jeez woman," He smirked, "I know you want me but there's no need to start flinging your clothes around." 

"You wish." I grunted before flinging myself on my suitcase as a final attempt to close it. My mom shook her head at her three of us before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.

"You reckon you'll find a hot american guy, Pipes?" Macy asked me.

I rolled my eyes, "Teenage guys are the same worldwide Mace." I stuffed a protruding shirt into the suitcase before continuing, "They're rude and obnoxious, and they're absolute pigs." I let out a grunt, trying to zip the bloody case up, "Nate here, is a walking talking example of what I mean."

Nate rolled his eyes, "Thanks Ham." He said, while Macy and I sniggered. 

"DONE!" I screamed in victory as the suitcase lay defeated, er, I mean zipped, in front of me. 

"I have no clue how you're going to lug this big guy around all day." Nate came up to me and picked up my suitcase, "Jesus," He muttered, "I think I broke my back."

"That's where the hot american boys come in," I turned around to tell Macy, "One smile and they'll be begging to carry my suitcase." I winked and flipped my hair, causing Macy to laugh and Nate to roll his eyes.

I knew I was beautiful. I had flaming red hair that was absolutely natural, mind you, and my eyes were a bluish-green colour. I was in the dance team, which helped me stay in amazing shape. And along with that, I was smart and confident, and if I wanted to, I could go out with any boy I wanted.

But the truth is, I didn't want to.

Nathan, Macy and I were considered the popular trio in my school. Nathan was the player, Macy was the sweetheart, and I was the bad girl. I don't know what gave my classmates the impression that I was a bad girl, but I wasn't going to argue as long as it kept the hormonal boys away. 

"Hey, hello? Piper you in there?" I blinked and found Nate waving his hand in front of my face obnoxiously.

"Yeah," I said, "I was just thinking about school." 

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