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“We’re going on a road trip, bitches!” Maggie shouts as she lugs her ridiculously heavy suitcase into the back of my Jeep.

“It’s not really a road trip,” I gasp as I heave my second duffel bag into the back.

“We’re driving six hours. That’s a road trip.”

I wipe my hand across my forehead to try and get rid of some of the ridiculous sweat. One thing I will not miss about Orlando is this humidity.

My four best friends and myself decided that the last summer before we all go off to college will be spent in Key West, Florida. We all got jobs last summer and worked our asses off in order to pay for the rental house for the whole summer. We finally got enough money and budgeted for food and other necessities, thanks to Sebastian’s ridiculous math skills, for the summer.

And I don’t think it’s possible to be more excited than I am.

“You do realize that you’re driving the last three hours, right?” I say as Maggie climbs in the passenger seat.

We decided to take two cars: my Jeep and Sebastian’s mom’s SUV. I wanted him to take his truck so we would have more room for everything, but the guys all started complaining about how they didn’t want to sit on top of each other for six hours.

Maggie and I are going to be in my car and the boys (Gage, Sebastian, and Max) will be in the SUV.

“Ugh, the last part of the trip is the worst part.”

“Which is why you’re going to be driving.”

My mom then comes running out, gushing about being careful and not drinking and driving and not smoking pot. I honestly can’t believe she’s letting me go, especially since she hates Gage.

“I know, Mom,” I sigh after she goes on for about two minutes.

Her eyes start welling up with tears. “I can’t believe my baby is going away for two months right before she leaves for college.” She grabs my face in both hands and sighs.

“Mom,” I groan.

“Oh, fine. But seriously, be careful. If anything goes wrong, call me and I’ll catch the first flight down to the Keys.”

“I know,” I murmur. She pulls me in for one last hug, and then she releases me. I pull open my door and climb in the driver’s seat. Maggie’s already texting Max, her boyfriend, and paying no attention to me.

As I back out of my driveway, she finally looks up.

“Say hello to summer 2013!”

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