9. Runaway Car

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9. Runaway Car

“What’s been up with you lately? You’ve been acting super weird,” Gage says the next day. We’re at the beach, and Gage, Sebastian, and I are under the umbrella. Max and Maggie are in the water, splashing water at each other and flirting.

They look like they’ve never been happier.

“What do you mean?” I reply, turning my head to look at Gage.

“I don’t know. Every time Max and Maggie are in the same room, you completely shut down.”

I talked to Gage about the whole truth or dare thing this morning. He said he doesn’t even remember Sebastian going upstairs to piss of Maggie, which makes me feel better because it means there’s absolutely no way he remembers Max and I kissing.

“I think you’re just seeing things,” I mumble, looking back out at the ocean.

“Okay, then go hang out with them if ‘I’m seeing things.’ Go act normal.”

“They’re being ridiculously flirtatious, so excuse me if I don’t want to go third-wheel with them right now.”

He shrugs. “Good point.” It’s quiet for awhile until Maggie squeals after Max picks her up and swings her around and I cringe. “Okay, seriously, Nell. What is going on?”

Gage seemed to forget the whole accusing thing. He hasn’t brought it up, and neither have I. But he’s acting completely normal.

“Nothing! God, I don’t need you to be my therapist.”

“I’m not trying to be your therapist but you’re acting like watching them puts you in pain.” He’s silent for a few moments, and I wait for him to put two and two together. Then he breaks into a shiteating grin. “Oh, my God. Oh my fucking God. Nell, no!”

“Seriously, Gage, please don’t say anything,” I plead, grabbing his arm. He won’t stop smiling.

“I can’t believe this. I never pegged you to be the one to fawn all over Max. I figured you would be all over Sebastian before anyone else.”

“Sebastian? Gross. No way.” I make a face. Sebastian pulls out one of his earbuds and looks at us.

“Are you talking about me?” he asks.

“No, but we are talking about Nell’s—” I place my hand over Gage’s mouth before he can say anything else.

The fucker.

“Nell’s what?” Sebastian asks, staring at me.

“My nothing,” I snap, glaring at Gage. Then I feel him lick my hand. “Ew, you perv.”

“We should tell Sebastian.”

“Tell me what?” Sebastian shouts.

“We’re not telling anyone anything, Gage.”

“But it’s Sebastian.” He grins.

“Seriously, stop.”

“Tell me what?” Sebastian shouts again, this time a little louder.

“Ooh, are we telling secrets?” Max suddenly asks as he appears.

Gage won’t stop grinning. “I think Nell should go first.”

“Gage. Stop. I’m serious. Please don’t do this,” I whisper. He looks over to me and sighs.

“Fine. Nell can carry on being a secretive person. I’m going to take a piss.” He abruptly gets up and leaves. I breathe a massive sigh of relief.

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