6. Kill Your Heroes

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6. Kill Your Heroes

“God, you smell like you walked out of Hollister,” I complain. Sebastian’s cocky expression falters.

“Is it bad?”

“Yeah. Go change shirts or something. I do like the button-down and shorts thing you have going on. It looks very…handsome.”

I’m currently sitting on the other bed in Sebastian’s room helping him get ready for his date with Anna. He decided to call her this morning, despite having met her last night, and ask her out for dinner. She agreed (because who can turn down Sebastian?) and he got really excited like he just got a puppy.

He smiles and goes digging through his closet to find another nice button-down. He changes quickly and turns back around.

“Better?” he asks, holding his arms out.

I grin. “Much.”

We go downstairs to find the other three sitting on the couch watching some weird Indie movie. Well, Max and Gage are. Maggie is passed out with her feet against Max’s thigh.

“Wow, if you just add a giant silver watch to that look, you can become the ultimate rich douchebag,” Gage says when Sebastian and I come downstairs. I smack him on the back of the head. Max smirks at my reaction.

“Be nice. I don’t see you with a date tonight.”

Sebastian rolls his eyes. “Well, as fun as this little get-together has been, I’m going to pick up Anna. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” He waves and walks out the door. A few moments later, I hear the SUV starting up.

“You need to learn how to be nicer,” I say to Gage as I plop down beside him.

“I am a Good Samaritan, Nell. How dare you insult me?” He places his hand over his heart and feigns being hurt before smirking.

“But seriously, you guys need to be nice to Sebastian. He’s really happy with this girl and he doesn’t have to put up with Dumb and Dumber.”

“Who? Max and Maggie?” Gage asks, tilting his head in their direction.

“I didn’t say anything,” Max argues.

“Why are you defending Sebastian all of the sudden? Are you two sleeping together?” Gage asks, giving me a pointed stare.

“No. God. You really need to get laid. You’re too horny all the time.”

I stand up and go over to the kitchen to try and find something to eat. Max follows me in and sits down on a barstool, placing his elbows on the counter.

“What did you three do last night?” he asks.

“Well, Gage brought back a bottle of tequila and we drank and then went to that club downtown to try and find someone for them to hook up with. Sebastian was the only one who succeeded, but then again, who can resist Gage’s addictive personality?”

I see Gage giving me the finger behind Max, and I smirk. I finally find a package of cheese in the refrigerator and grab the butter and two slices of bread to make myself a grilled cheese.

Max raises his eyebrows. “Sounds like a party.”

“Oh, it was wonderful. Carrying Gage’s drunk ass back to the house has been the highlight of this trip.”

“Hey, you were the one who wanted to go to a club that plays ridiculous pop music nonstop. It’s like being stuck back in middle school with you and Maggie,” Gage complains.

I roll my eyes and butter the two slices of bread. “You didn’t seem to be complaining when you were drunkenly telling me all of your dirty little secrets.”

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