15. Light It Up

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15. Light It Up

“Nell, you are eighteen. That does not mean you can sleep with your boyfriend of twelve hours,” Anna shouts the next morning. She pulls the comforter off us. I open my eyes slowly and see her standing at the end of the bed.

Just so everyone knows, Max and I are fully clothed.

Okay, well, I am. All Max is wearing is boxers.

His arm is pulling me as close as possible to him, and my head is tucked under his chin. Anna is standing there with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at us. Max sighs and kisses my forehead before removing his arm and sitting up.

Before I confront Anna, let’s go over how last night played out:

Me: “Wait, are we really gonna sleep in the same bed?”

Max: “Only if you want to, Nell.”

Me: “Yeah, I want to.”

Max: “Okay, then we will.”

After we both changed and brushed our teeth, I laid down while Max finished doing whatever the hell he was doing. He finally climbed into bed and pulled the comforter over both of us. I was as stiff as a freaking board, and Max could’ve been on a lounger on the balcony for all he cared.

Max: “Why are you so stiff?”

Me: “I’m nervous.”

Max: “Why?”

Me: “I don’t know.”

It was silent for a few more minutes except for the sound of the ceiling fan whizzing around until I finally relaxed, and my leg shot out and kicked Max in the calf.

Max: “Jesus Christ, Nell.”

Me: “God, I’m so sorry.”

Max: “Relax. It’s just me.”

Me: “Okay.”

I tried to relax, I really did. I was so scared I was going to do something embarrassing like fart or drool on him that I literally could not move. I don’t know why I was so nervous considering he’s been my best friend since second grade but there’s something different when he’s your boyfriend and he’s supposed to be attracted to you.

Max: “Nell, you’re hyperventilating.”

Me: “I’m about to have an asthma attack.”

Max: “You don’t even have asthma. Calm down.”

He reached out and pulled me to him then. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his bare chest, which made it about fifty times worse. Eventually, his breathing slowed, and that’s when I let out the most gigantic fart in the history of farts.

Max: “Did you just fart?”

Me: “I think that was you.”

Max: “Oh, my God. Nell. You just farted.”

And that’s when he laughed so hard he peed his pants.

That’s literally how the night went.

“Believe me, nothing remotely romantic happened,” I grumble to Anna. She gives me a disbelieving look, and Max starts laughing all over again.

“I don’t believe you,” she says, giving Max a weird look.

Max can’t even breathe, and I’m embarrassed all over again. “Stop laughing,” I snap, shoving him. He’s laughing so hard that my push knocks him off the bed.

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