Chapter 12.

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The scream erupted from Wendy as she shook with utter disbelief from what she had just witnessed. She trembled with disbelief as tears freely dripped from her eyes. Juvia. . . In that moment her magical presence soared before it decreased dramatically as she caught eye of a golden fist heading straight towards her, she hardly blocked a hit from Leo as she stumbled trying to regain her breath.

"Please," Wendy muttered. "Just hang on. "

Wendy held out her arms closing her eyes as her arms started to slowly grown green before she opened her eyes with a new founded purpose.


Lucy removed her arm from around Juvia's neck as she realized that something peculiar had just begun. She let Juvia's body plummet to the ground next to her beloved unconscious, Gray. Lucy analyzed Juvia before glancing in the direction of Wendy who was still fending off Leo. She watched as she effortlessly controlled the air to her own will. She was captivated by the little girl and her magic. It was something you'd definitely never expect a child to hold within her. The pure determination that stayed in her eyes as she panted, and was obviously growing tired still didn't make her waver once. Lucy watched as Leo hand flowed a bright brilliance around his fists as he landed at hit on her collarbone making her go flying several feet away from him, but she only counterattacked with a slash of wind that missed Leo by an inch. As, Lucy kept her eyes on Wendy she realized that the girl was too tired at this stage, she glanced back towards Juvia who was still motionless. She kept her eyes on her as she started to realize that a faint tint of her color was returning to her body.

"Aquarius." Lucy called, "That child is a sky dragon slayer?"

Aquarius glanced in the direction of Leo with a slight frown. She knew Lucy couldn't of remembered that, but how in the hell did she figure it out so quickly?


Lucy confirming her thoughts quickly rushed towards Leo grabbing his arm as he went to do the finishing attack. He glanced at Lucy with surprise as she stared at Wendy with a devious smile. This child was definitely something useful during a time like this.

"Leo, return."

Without a word, Leo vanished into glittery dust. Lar tilted his head at the situation in front of him with curiosity. It was unusual for Lucy to be kind to let someone have mercy. He didn't understand such human emotions at times. He watched as the little girl stumbled for a moment before glaring up at Lucy.

She has guts.

"Are you here to finish me?" Wendy asked. "Because, I won't stop till I'm bruised and battered on the ground!"

Lucy liking her bravery kneeled down to her height. Wendy slightly backed away to only be met with Jellal's legs, as she realized that he standing behind her. She glanced back at the cloaked woman in front of her with a face full of determination and bravery. She had to keep this facade up for Juvia just a little more longer. . That's all she needed.

"No, you won't allow that." Lucy glanced towards Juvia once again. "Because, you won't be able to heal her if I put you bruised and battered on the ground."

Wendy eyes widened. "How did you-"

Lucy stood back up snapping her fingers towards the motionless body. Water rose around Juvia's body slowly enveloping her into a water bubble. She floated in the water bubble for a moment before Aquarius reached in the water bubble increasing the water degree under zero. Wendy watched with widen eyes as Juvia's lips grew purple, and blood slowly seeped from her chest turning the water slowly a blood red.

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