Chapter 20.

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LUCY gripped the golden celestial keys at her waist as she paced back and fourth in front of the camp that the army had just recently set up. It was at the borderline of Fiore and was completely out of sight, out of mind to anyone besides the Alvarez empire. Which was good for at the moment, she had too much on her mind as all her thoughts started to race.

What will Zeref do when he finds out I merged?

Is Zeref going to be angry when he notices that Gray Fullbuster was now under her control?

What if Invel snitched?

It grew her more impatience for his arrival to the camp. It was told that Invel spilt with Zeref to search for her, and the majesty was left with August, Dimaria, and Brandish. That was an odd group just recalling it, but Lucy's main thought was, Where's Irene? She feared her  anger the most. The only time she had ever witnessed her true anger was when they were training one day, and Lucy had slipped up and Irene snapped lifting her up and throwing her towards the wall of bricks. After, that Lucy had a broken collarbone, and a broken ankle, arm, and her side was badly bruised. Irene was punished by Zeref, and ever since then she never trained Lucy again nor was mean to her in anyway.

But, this? It could be breaking the thin ice she was already on.

"You've been awfully quiet for a long time." Laracade interrupted her thoughts, as he just arrived at camp to see her pacing back and forth at the entrance. "Is something the matter?"

Lucy flinched in surprise at the sudden presence of someone when she caught eye of Laracade and let out a breath of relief. She was not mentally prepared to see Zeref just, yet. It actually was frightening her more than it needed too.

"I'm fine, I'm just nervous about Zeref." Lucy lied as she plastered a small smile. "It's been awhile and it worries me when he's not back before me."

Laracade shrugged. "He's probably lecturing that entire group about how they're going to take everything on from this point, you know how complicated he gets at times."

Lucy didn't think of that. It was true that Zeref was a perfectionist and it was extremely rare if he didn't lecture you six times in a row about what was going to happen or what you were going to do. If it didn't go to according to plan, you would feel the wrath of him and mostly from what Lucy has heard it was something she never ever wanted to experience from him. She'd rather take a knife to the heart then anger, Zeref.

"Yeah, that's true." Lucy agreed. "It's just weird.  I ran into Invel earlier during a fight I was having and it's strange to know he wasn't with Zeref."

Laracade held his hand up, obviously confused.

"What do you mean you saw Invel?"

Lucy stared at him questioningly, "He ran into me, when I was battling the dragon slayer over near Fairy Tail guild maybe a little mile off, but it was close."

Laracade closed his eyes, frustration all over his face.

"What?" Lucy asked. "Did something happen?"

Laracade sighed. "He's paranoid about something and he told me - when he saw me he was passive, but he was angry, and he said " if this doesn't go to plan, I will make it come alive in another way.' I told father about it and he said that was something he would take care of and asked where I last saw him and I think that's why he's not here. They're looking for him."

Lucy was absolutely flabbergasted. "What? Invel is doing all of this because of one little mess up?"

Laracade caught on quickly, "Did you do something wrong the dragon slayer?"

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