Chapter Two

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The carriages were ready the next day right before sunset. Daisy was called on by her handmaid and together they set in motion their departure. After everyone was dressed, ready to go, and packed into their respective rides, they headed out. The drive was less than comfortable. Daisy chatted with Rei about various things to pass the time. The King's home was located in the inner city of the Western territory, making it longer to get to. Luckily, Daisy had been told to expect this. So after running out of topics to discuss, she reached for her carry on and pulled out a goose down pillow. She stuffed it behind her neck and leaned back in her seat. In under ten minutes she was out like a light.

A gentle shake woke her. Two hours had gone by while she slept and motion of the carriage had ceased. Rei helped Daisy out, then she set about rearranging her dress as it had creased in places during the lengthy ride. After some necessary fussing over her hair, Daisy thanked Rei and lead the way up to the King's home.

The palace grounds extended far and wide. Daisy couldn't tell where they ended. The main building was built on a hill with a flat top. Consisting of several large and small structures, it seemed to consume every inch of available space. It was dark out, so Rei helped Daisy ascend the hill. The dress she wore gathered at her ankles. This made keeping a brisk pace impossible. With a little maneuvering of her skirt Daisy could get around just fine, but in the dark she feared all that which she could not see.

The path leading up to the King's home was uneven. Sudden dips and rises along the way caused her to fumble about awkwardly. She was thankful that there was no on around to see her stumbling like a toddler learning to walk. Besides for her handmaid serving as an escort, Daisy had arrived at the gathering alone. Her brother had been taken in a separate carriage ahead of hers. He would be inside the hall by now.

The King's home was a formidable ensemble of stone and woodwork. Its appearance far out shined the long houses common on the Southern Isle. Here, where new money funded the expensive lifestyles of Aisha's officials, the architectural designs were more modern. Every building boasted a second story and as Daisy approached the palace she could not help but stare in awe at the grand width of its rooftops. They curved ever so slightly at their corners, giving off the impression that the foundation itself was smiling to welcome the King's visitors. Two guards were stationed outside the main entrance. They stopped Daisy and demanded her invitation before letting them pass.

When they were inside, Rei guided her towards the hall. A festive melody could be heard in between a steady rhythm of chatter. There was laughter too, loud and boisterous. Daisy gave Rei a questioning look but the girl only shrugged in response. She had learned the names of Aisha's main officials but there were going to be a few individuals she would meet tonight whom she knew nothing about.

At the start of the evening, Rei followed her around as Daisy introduced herself to the King's most prestigious guests. The hall was so crowded that the two of them had to weave in and around circles of people. Daisy recognized her older brother standing inside a ring of older men further across the room. The colors they wore bespoke of their allegiance to Aisha, the King, and Four Lords. And where the latter were concerned, Daisy noticed a second group forming around a tall, imposing figure. She stood on her toes to peek over the heads in the hall, hoping to get a better look at who it was.

Lord Wu Kong was surrounded by a bunch of his fans. They crowded about him as if he were a celebrity. Daisy supposed that he was. It was rare for any one of the four lords to make an appearance at one of the King's gatherings, let alone for there to be two of them in the same room at the same time. Lord Wu Kong wore a confidant expression as he greeted those around him. His cheery grin reminded Daisy of how her brother used to smile whenever he managed to get away with something.

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