Chapter Thirteen

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Much to Daisy's relief, the intruder had kept his word not to harm her. After departing her chamber, she led the way out to the courtyard by way of a connecting bridge. The guards who had been moving back and forth for some time searching for the culprit of the infiltration, had been called back to the watch towers by their superior. This oddly convenient turn of luck provided them with safe passage to the southwest side of the palace. It being dark out made it easier for them to move about, using the shadows to their advantage. For the first half of the journey, Daisy led the way. She was used to sneaking out at night and knew the layout of the palace even better than the guards did. Kyle decided to trust her sense of direction. He followed her in and out of rooms, down corridors, and around buildings, keeping close at all times.

For the most part, Daisy felt content to lead the way. But eventually it became easier to tell Kyle where to go and how to get there. Her short legs put her behind him and it took time for her to catch up. He also had sharper eyesight than she did. When they happened upon a servant propped up against a wall, deep in sleep, Kyle took care to warn her of his presence and they were able to avoid making any noise as they passed him.

By the time they made it to the dojo, the moon had emerged from the clouds to light their way. Daisy took over at this point, her eyes now fully adjusted to the dark. She led the way to a storage unit close by, where they kept training equipment in large crates. She and Kyle nestled themselves in between two crates while a small patrol of guards set out to inspect the area. It was a tight fit for the two of them. Their shoulders rubbed against each other and twice, Daisy felt something pointy poke her back.

Daisy ignored the fact that Kyle kept glancing at her. He wanted her attention, while in contrast she wanted only to get away. Since leaving her room, they'd said all of two words to each other - Daisy's vocabulary limited to, "stop" and "go". As for Kyle, a nod or grunt of acknowledgment was all he offered her in return. She made a second attempt to discover his reason for infiltrating her home, but after getting a clearer view of the assortment of weapons glued to his person, she dropped the subject. Even if he had not used them against her so far, there was a high possibility that he still might try to before they parted ways.

They snuck into the dojo through the back entrance. Once inside, Daisy ordered Kyle to wait by the door while she stepped into the center of the room, bathing in the moonlight streaming in from two rows of windows high above. It wrapped around her figure like a thin silvery curtain, ethereal sheen reflecting off her pale skin. She checked the room to make sure that no one was around, then called for Kyle to join her.

"I'm guessing there's a reason we're in here?" he asked, deep voice piercing the silence.

Daisy looked back at the man. "If we cut through here, it will decrease the chances of the guards spotting us."

Kyle conceded. He followed Daisy to the end of the building where a second door opened up to the outside. They continued making their way to their destination in silence. The walked through a garden of palm trees and wild bushes, then stopped. Suddenly, Kyle grabbed Daisy by the arm and spun her around. She gasped when he shoved his face into hers.

"How much farther, Princess? We've been at this a while and I've done nothing but chase after you and follow your instructions."

Daisy pulled back with as much force as she could muster. She stumbled backward and regained her composure.

"We're close. There's a door in the wall, just across there." She pointed out a bridge connecting to a structure spanning the length of the wall surrounding it.

"Alright then. Lead the way."

Daisy obeyed. Over the bridge and past the stables they went. She led him to the end of the rampart, where a hidden door was covered by vines creeping across it.

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