Chapter two

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Vee had always been a bright girl. She was always on honor roll back in high school. Hell, she even got herself a scholarship at one of the most popular colleges in Washington.

She remembered getting the call for that one, too. Despite all the wrong happening in her life at that moment, she still managed to smile when she was told about the scholarship. What she wasn't smiling about, though, was the fact that there would be additional costs to Uni and she would be out a lot of money if she went. She'd promised her family she would, though. So she did.

Which is why she was up at seven in the morning drinking a cup of tea while half dressed and making sure she had everything.

If Vee was anything, she was persistent. She liked to be in control since independence was all she had. She had to make sure everything was exactly how she saw fit because that's what she'd grown into. Of course, her standards weren't that high. Hell, she couldn't even afford a nice classy wardrobe for herself so she didn't have a reason to have a classy mindset. Especially with boys.

You see, after her parents died Vee turned towards alcohol use and parties. Typical things to do after high school because you're finally free of your personal hell, only Vee had to deal with her personal hell everywhere she went because of the memories of her life and where she grew up. So alcohol made it bearable at the time.

Vee would go out to these insane parties held in the walmart version of the hamptons in Seattle where all the rich people lived. She'd throw on the first trampy thing she could find and she'd have a night out with her best friend liquor. Now, Vee was not a virgin. She'd lost that to some guy in a bathroom with a little too much to drink and a little problem he had to deal with. By little, she meant little.

She regrets it, obviously. No girl wants her first time to be in a drunken state with some guy she'll never see again. Or at least she sure didn't, but life goes on and mistakes happen. So Vee learned to deal with the guilt and move on with her life. She didn't count that as her first time, though. She believed that although she had a despise for love itself seeing as everything that loved her got taken away, she'd find someone that could handle her problems and respect her personality and when she found them and she was ready to give it up, that would be her first official time.

Although she also knew not to dream too big. She didn't believe any of that would ever happen, but she had to have a little imagination as well. Vee learned not to be stuck in the real world for too long because if she did then she'd be stuck with this bland version of normal that the world has to offer. She didn't like that version of normal nor did she like the world's version of perfect, so she made her own normal and her own perfect the complete opposite from what society had to offer and she liked hers way better.

Vee's mom always told her not to let society's eye control what she wanted to become and Vee sort of stuck to that. In a way, at least. She never took shit from anyone and she didn't change who she was and she believed that was enough to make her mom proud. In other ways, Vee took her newfound normal and made it into art and literature. She liked to paint. Painting was one of the things that made her unique and she'd do anything to be different from the rest. Her art was different as well. Some art was classy and hung up in art galleries and other things like that. The type of art that Vee did was street art. She painted things that happened around her and had a meaning to it, then she put that meaning into a picture on a canvas. She also expressed herself through writing. She loved to write. If she got bored and had nothing to do or if it was too cold outside to do anything, she'd write about things. She'd make these stories and alternate lives up in her mind and write them down. Sometimes she wished the things she wrote were true, but of course not everyone can have a happy ending like people in the books do.

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