Chapter three

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Vee was a mess. She was a hot mess.

It was currently saturday, the day before flying by fast with no interruptions thankfully.

Vee had forgotten that she had a shift on Saturday. She had forgotten that she didn't have time to sit and relax for just one day to screw her head on straight. So, she was currently bracing herself for the worst as she entered the doors of the Cafe a good 20 minutes late.

Once she got inside, she was stopped by Violetta with a stern look on her face, but it soon softened when she realized the state that Vee was in.

"Go clock in. Stan hasn't noticed that you aren't here yet, so you're in the clear." Violetta whispers and Vee praised her in thanks before making her way to the back of the Cafe to clock in and walking back to the counter.

Emily came rushing through from the kitchen and her features brightened when she saw her friend shrugging off her coat and tying her hair up as per usual.

"Vee!" Emily screeched and ran up to her. Vee flinched as the younger girl picked her up from behind and hugged her as if they hadn't seen each other in ages.

"Jesus, Em. You scared the living hell out of me." Vee let out a breathy laugh and turned around to briefly hug the girl back.

"Sorry, V. I've just missed you is all. You're my bestie and i've been sick and it's just felt like forever." Emily explained as she let go of her friend.

"I get it, it's fine. I've missed you too." Vee said as they moved to behind the Cafe counter.

"Anyways, how's Manson? Oh, i've missed him so much. How was your first couple days of College? Make any new friends? Meet any new boys?" Emily asked frequently, wiggling her eyebrows with the last bit of her questions. Vee laughed at her curiousity.

"Manson is fine. He's missed you as well. College is okay so far. I like most of my classes. I have made a friend. His name's Zayn. He's really nice. Also a girl named Amara. She's...something. I've also sort of made an enemy." Vee said and Emily gasped at the last part.

"Vee, who'd you piss off?" She asked.

"More like he pissed me off, Em. He's just rude and moody and cocky. You know I don't like people like that, you know?" Vee said and Em nodded.

" Well, who is it?" Emily pushed.

"Uh, I don't know. I didn't really take the time to remember." Vee lied. She remembered him for sure, but she didn't want to remember him, is the thing. He hadn't bothered her since Thursday, mostly because he hasn't showed up since Thursday, given it was only a day's difference, but he still bothered her to no end.

Luckily, Emily didn't catch onto her white lie and thought nothing of it.

"Well, whoever he is, i'm sure he's not worth your time." Emily stated and Vee nodded in agreement.

The girls had continued on with catching up before Emily was moved into the kitchen by Stan to clean the dishes since Rafael, the guy who normally dish cleans, had to leave early with a stomach virus.

Moments later, Matt, another one of Vee's friends and co-workers walked in. Vee's eye lit up when she saw the boy.

Matt had brown hair that was kind of curly, but also kind of not. He had very tan skin but it suited him very well. He had chocolate brown eyes that could make any girl melt and his lips were the perfect shape. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a flannel with his signature converse, probably freezing his nads off.

"Matt, where's your coat? Do you know how cold it is outside?" Violetta scolded and Matt laughed lightly which made Vee melt.

Vee kind of had a crush on the boy. Okay, so not kind of. She really did.

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