Chapter five

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Red. All Vee saw was red.

Vee saw red as a symbol of anger as she found an eviction notice wedged between her door once she got home from her shift at the Cafe.

Her eyes widened and her heart dropped as she read the paper with bold print saying that she had thirty days to vacate the premises due to failure to pay rent on time. In a swift move of anger, she stomped down her creaky stairs and marched her way towards her landlord, Landon's, repair shop. Her landlord was not the most clean cut guy ever, nor was he a bad person. He has cut Vee so much slack in the time that she had been there. He had two jobs. Landlord of housing and he owned a repair shop not too far away from where Vee lived.

Once Vee reached the repair shop, she took a deep breath and swung the door open in a swift manner, walking towards Landon where he was working on an old broken down mustang.

"Landon, what is this?" she exclaimed as she held the wrinkled piece of paper out in front of him.

"Venus, so nice to see you as well." He said sarcastically and she huffed.

"Why am I being evicted? Rent is not even due yet!" She says.

"Venus, rent was due two days ago." He says and she gives him a confused look.

"There is no way. I Have a reminder set on my phone." She says and pulls it out, opening up her calendar application and looking to where she set the reminder at. "See? The reminder says that it was due...two days ago." She says with defeat.

"See? What did I tell you before I gave you the lease to the house? You had to pay up or get out and I can not keep giving you freebies. If you can't handle this responsibility then you shouldn't be living alone." he said.

"Well I didn't have much of a choice now did I? I can't fucking help that my parents died and I was forced to find a way to live on my own." She says, her eyes welling up in tears of frustration and sadness.

"I'm Sorry, Vee. I know that it is a sensitive subject and I didn't mean to bring it up." He says with a sincere voice.

Vee lets out a breath of air and wipes her eyes, refusing to cry in front of her landlord.

"Please. Just give me until the next pay day and i'll have the money for both times of rent. Please Landon. This house is all I have right now." she pleads and he looks at her with hesitant eyes before sighing.

"End of the month, Venus. I mean it. If the money is not here by the end of this month then i'm going to have to kick you out. I'm sorry, but that's how it is going to be." He says sternly and she lets out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, Landon. You won't regret it." She says.

"I better not." He grumbles and turns back to do his work as Vee walks out of the store.

She was relieved that she was not getting kicked out, but she was also worried about the whole situation seeing as she now had to have double the money that she normally had to have although she did put it on herself.

She sighed and continued walking passed her house and back towards the Cafe to see if they had anymore shifts open that she could maybe take. Vee shivered and pulled her worn out coat closer to her body. It was crazy to think of how the tables had turned so quickly. At one point she was a happy average teenage girl who had everything she needed including her parent who loved her and friends who cared for her, and now she is all alone with no one. Sure she had Matt and Emily and maybe even Zayn and Niall, but it wasn't the same anymore. She was happy back then. Now she is just sad all the time and there is no changing that for her because that is what she's destined to be, depressed and alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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