Chapter four

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Vee was awoken by loud bangs on her door which annoyed her to no end because she was tired, irritable, and confused. All of these things do not mix with a hormonal young woman.

She groaned and swung her bundle of covers off of her body as goosebumps formed on her skin from the cold air breezing through her house. Manson whined when she left the comfort of her not-so-comfortable bed as she began walking through the chilly house to get to her door.

Once she got to the door, she opened it and was faced with Matt, surprisingly. She squinted her eyes in a sleepy manner and tried running a hand through her hair only for it to get stopped by the massive tangles she had in it. She let her hand drop to her side before speaking up to the boy who looked as guilty as could be.

"What the hell are you doing here so early, Matty? I thought we agreed that there would be no visitations until after at least noon on days that we were off." She said with a groan and he sighed, letting himself in.

Vee was not going to protest though, of course so she shut the door and emitted a tired yawn as she made her way over to her worn out couch, laying herself down in a state of slumber.

"I know, I just couldn't wait. I feel really bad about just up and leaving you last night." He said and she waved him off.

"It's fine. I'm over it honestly. I just lost you in the crowd. No big deal." Vee stated and Matt rubbed his hands together before sitting down next to her and biting down onto his lip.

"Yeah.. How did you get home, anyways?" He asked.

"Zayn took me, We couldn't find you after looking for a bit so he offered me a ride and I took it because I was tired and upset and didn't want to walk home in the cold." Vee explained and Matt nodded.

"Listen, V. I really am sorry. I would have been back sooner but that Sage girl had caught me after i'd finished the bathroom and kept trying to chat me up. Once I had finally gotten away from her, I looked around to try and find you but I couldn't. I tried calling but you wouldn't answer so I just kind of left." He said, his eyes filled with guilt and sincerity.

Vee cracked a side smile and looked up at her friend with a drowsy smile.

"Matt, it is fine. I don't blame you. In your position, I would have done the same. Plus it is not like it will happen again. I'm not going back to one of those again. Niall is nice and all, but it is not my scene anymore." She explained and the relief on Matt's face was evident.

"That's good. I mean, I am not trying to control your decisions and be a demanding friend and all. I just do not want you hurt and i'm trying to look out for you because well, you know. You mean a lot to me and you are a great friend." The boy babbled and Vee's smile grew wider every time he spoke, butterflies erupting in her stomach. Of course she was not thrilled that she had been friendzoned once again, but she was happy because she would rather have him as a friend rather than nothing at all.

"It is alright Matt. I get it. Now, is this all you came over for? Because I believe i am entitled a little more time to sleep in because this is one of the only days i am ever off." She said, her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised in an amused and drowsy state.

"Well actually, I came over for that and to tell you that Em is relentless today. I went to go get a cup of coffee this morning and she was pissed off. Well more pissed off than usual. She almost took my head off with a cinnabun. I figured i would let you know because she might need a friend and well, i am not exactly a good friend of hers." He says with a shrug and Vee could not help but worry about her friend. Was she still mad that she couldn't go to the party last night? Vee hoped not. It was just a dumb party, anyways.

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