What is up with Rusty?

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Your mom opens the door to see you typing away at your computer. "Ya know, sitting in front of that computer all day will strain your eyes." your mother said, quite displeased with how long it has been since you went outside. "*sigh* fine, fine, just let me call Hank and Rusty alright?" She nodded and left the room. You got into a pair of black jeans and a (f/c) tank top with a black leather jacket. You then called Hank. "yellow?" "Hey Hank wanna hang out today?" "Aww sorry man, I can't do that until next week.." "Oh, uhh...alright." "Sorry" "No it's alright! life happens to everyone. remember when i had the flu and couldn't come out for two weeks?" "Ha ha, yeah i remember." "welp i guess I'll see you next week broski!" "Later!" *boop* you let out a long exasperated sigh. 'welp i guess it's time to call Rusty' *bzz bzz* "hello?" "Hey Rusty! Can you hang out today?" "Well I, uhh shh guys be quiet! I uhh can't really, uhh do that thing today." "What thing I didn't even say what we would do. Whats happening? Are you okay? Is Denny okay!?" "Yes we're fine. I just have, uhh, ... CHORES! I uhh, have chores to do." "Well i can help you if you w-" "NO! uhhm, no I don't need your help. uhm.....'ooh who is that you're talking to human Russel?' No shoo go away sideswipe! 'ooh is it your GIRLFRIEND?' NO!" "Uhhm....I'm gonna head over there okay. To make sure no-one died.." "NO YOU DON-" *boop* 

As you started your walk to Russel's home/the junk yard, you heard strange noises in the woods. You just shrugged it off as animals being weird in the area. As you were about half way there you saw some strange shiny thing in the trees. You then decide to check it out later if it was another lake with the sun shining back. Once you get to the scrap yard you walk right on in and look for Russel. "RUSTY!?" You listen...nothing "RUSTY?" You then hear faint footsteps as you turn to look you see Denny. "Oh hey Denny have you seen Russel around?" you asked. "No, no i have not." He said, rather quickly. Thinking he's lying you say "Denny?" He looks around nervously and in one specific direction.  You then start to walk in that direction saying things about the items in that area whilst you were looking for a certain someone named Russel. As you were peeking through the gaps in the stacked bikes, you saw an unmistakable color of brown. You chuckled a little as you whispered "Found you~" in that spot. as soon as you said that you heard a slight yelp and looked in the gaps at a now on the ground Russel. He groaned in pain as he had hit his head on one of the bikes. "Heh hey Rusty, why you hiding from me?" he looked up a little nervous as he said "Uhhh. Hi. Uhh, when did you get here?" You look at him a little annoyed as you reply with "Really. You SERIOUSLY didn't hear me yelling?" You continue to look at him unconvinced. After the miniature stare down Denny said that you should go home because it was getting late. You sigh as you say goodbye and head home.

'I wonder what happened. are they hiding something from me?'

AN: YO wazzup? Anyways let me know how this story is so far and let me know if you want more! also if you read my other story...its so cringy....but i will try to keep this one as long and as interesting as possible, and later on in a later chapter i will have a vote thing for something. lol troll not telling the future. anyways boi!!


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