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As you were walking home you looked up at the cloudy sky. You then felt a small unmistakable sensation on your nose. It was about to rain. As you jogged home it started pouring down. You then began to sprint home as you didn't want to be soaked by the time you got home. As you drew near your home you thought you heard a car engine from a ways away, but shrugged it off. You eventually got home, but to your dismay you were soaked. You sighed as you knocked on the door. Your mother answered and held her hand to her mouth to hold in giggles. "Har har, now can you get me a towel?" you asked annoyed. She chuckled as she nodded and let you in. You stood by the door as your mom went to grab a towel for your soaked and cold body. You decided to take off the leather jacket, leaving your (f/c) tank top and black skinny jeans. A few minutes later your mom came in holding a big, fluffy towel to warm you up. You wrapped yourself in the towel and underneath it began to undress to be warmer. After awkwardly fidgeting around you were left with your matching (2f/c) bra and underwear. You walked over to the couch and sat down wrapped in the towel. You started watching the news to see whats going on in the world. 'meh nothing much. Just the stupid debate with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.' You turned off the television and went to your phone to watch (f/y-favorite youtuber) play some games/ do some pranks. Your mom called for you to come and eat dinner which was (f/f- favorite food). You did a little cheer and hugged your mom. "Thanks mom!" She smiled and said "You're welcome (Y/n)." You ate and had small talk with (y/m/n-yo mom name) and you then brought up the odd behavior that Russel has been displaying that day. She shrugged and said "Well, people do change. You really can't control it." You sighed and looked down at your plate. "I'm full. May I go to my room?" You asked. She nodded and you got up and walked to your room. You plopped on your bed and thought for almost 20 minutes when you got hit with the best idea. You set and alarm on your phone for 4:30 a.m to sneak out and spy on Russel. You set your phone on the night stand and went to sleep.

* BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BE-* You groaned as your alarm went off. You stared at the ceiling with a smirk on your face. You quickly got up and dressed and packed a small umbrella in your hoodie pocket. You quietly took the spare house key and crept down the stairs. Once you got to the door you unlocked it, opened it, walked out, and locked it. After you made sure to slip a note under the door saying something along the lines of 'going to do something' or 'going to the store' you went to your bike and started pedaling. You were going pretty fast so you were already about half way there. As you went along you heard the same strange noises as the day before, but they sounded like they were in a different spot. You were a little weirded out , but you kept going non-the-less. Once you got there you heard them watching a movie. 'Why are they watching a movie this early?' you looked at your watch. '6:48...oh...never-mind.' The second thing you noticed was that the door that is always open no matter what was closed. You then looked around for another way in. You looked at the concrete wall and the tree right next to it and smiled. You went over to the tree and started to climb. Once you got high enough you went to the wall and got on top of it. You started to crawl until you got to a point to crawl down. Once you got down from the wall you started to go to where the TV was to watch Russel. Once you finally got there however, you saw something that would make you think you were asleep and dreaming. You looked on to see 4 giant robots and 1 smaller one watching the TV confused and entertained. You stood there for a solid 15 minutes until you felt a tap on your shoulder making you whip around and smack. Little did you know it was Russel going to ask what you were doing there so early. Once you processed it was Russel you just yelled "RUSTY YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO SNEAK UP ON ME!" He winced at the sudden yelling and goes into a slight panic as he sees the giant robots walking over and he said "Uhhh hey (Y/n) you should probably go home. (Y/mn) must be worried out of her mind." You quickly caught on but hid the smirk as you replied "Well I left her a note that said I would be gone for a few hours." You see his face pale only the slightest as he knew you went to hang out with him. You then hear heavy footsteps, no, mini earth-quakes? You turn around to see the big yellow robot walking over to you. You look at Russel as if asking for answers but receiving none as the giant bot approached. He looked at Russel as if he was disappointed.  Your protective side takes over as you yell at the thing "HEY YOU!!" He looked down slightly confused. " DON'T LOOK AT MY FRIEND THAT WAY!! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!" Russel just looks like he wants to disappear, but you held his sleeve before he could walk away. The yellow bot and you have a small stare off until Russel said "He's my friend (Y/n)." You looked at Russel and said with a sudden mood swing "Okay Rusty!" You then skipped over to the other bots knowing that they are friendlies. You then looked at the tallest one which was green and black. "*hmm* peculiar..." You said as you went to the others. Russel began to tell you their names as he pointed at the yellow as he said that his name was Bumblebee, the blue and white one her name was Strongarm, the red one was sideswipe, and the first one you looked at the green and black one is named Grimlock. You smiled and waved at them all and they each did their own greeting back. You walked over to the smaller orange colored one and asked "Hey, what's your name?" He looked at you and said "hello man-tan-MA'AM! sorry, my designation is Fix-it." You smiled at him and said "My name is (Y/n)!" you then got a phone call from your mom. Of course you answered. "Hey mom!" "(Y/n) I would like you to come back home for lunch, so can you head back home please?" "Of course! I'll be back as soon as I can! Bye!" "Buh-bye hun." *boop* "Welp I need to go guys so I guess I'll see you tomorrow!" They waved good-bye and you were off.

What a wonderful day.

An: HOLY CRAP THIS TOOK FOREVER! even though I just did it in a like two or three hours. STILL!! anyways. thanks for reading and if you would like me to continue this story then give it a favorite. It helps a lot. well that's enough rambling from me~

Gamergurl out!-


Transformers RID-Grimlock x reader (female perspective-sorry)Where stories live. Discover now