Unconditionally: GerEng part two

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I'm using this song for a few chapters, and I have to do some more requests! MERRY FRIGGIN CHRISTMAS!

Warning: Extreme (almost) hardcore, AKA (almost) smut, and yaoi don't like, don't read.

~Author Ireland~


"Mistletoe?!" Germany thought, heart racing. He doubted Britain would even let him touch him, let alone kiss him.

"So, what now?" Britain smiled, Germany snuggling into his jacket. Damn it, Britain was so cute!

"I'm unsure, jou have any ideas?" The German tilted his head back, hands locked behind his neck.

"Well..." Out of nowhere, Ludwig felt warm lips touch his cheek, and a shaken Brit in the corner apologizing quickly.

"A-Arzhur I-Ich..." He paused. Was that Britain's love confession?

"I'm sorry I just thought y-you would l-look so cute, but I didn't think about your feelings. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be stupid!" Arthur was crying now, feeling stupid. His feelings were out, and now he felt like Germany would never love him.

A shift was heard, and a thumb brushed against his cheek. His emerald eyes meeting blue ones.

"Jou're just like Italy. Jou apologize for zhings jou don't need to be sorry for." His smile was gentle, caring. "Ich werde dich für immer lieben." He purred gently, Arthur heating up. He had to learn German, in case they captured a Nazi who only spoke his native language.

"F-forever?" Arthur asked, locking his hands behind Ludwig's neck. The German nodded, pushing their foreheads together. He nodded, and their lips firmly pressed together. After a while, they broke off. "I love you too..."

"Vill jou um... G-go out vizh me?" He stuttered. "P-please?"

"Well, that was a stupid question, of course!" Britain laughed happily.


It's been a few months since they've started to date, and they both have been sneaking away quite a lot.

"Arzhur?" Germany asked, seeing a figure. The shorter blonde lunged forward.

"God, I missed you." The Brit held him tight around his neck. "I have something special planned." He winked.

Back at Britain's house in the woods, hidden from all other countries, Arthur and Ludwig were in a heated make out session.

"Hah~ Ludwig." Arthur blushed, feeling a warm, thick muscle on his neck. He loosened the Germans tie, stopped by hands on his soon to be bare chest. His sweet spot was found, and Britain squeaked, a moan soon after. Germany's hands struggled to undo the buttons, but eventually he got it, quickly moving farther down.

Germany pecked Britain's lips once more pulling the tie off his neck, binding his hands above his head. Smirking devilishly, he picked up the Brit, who placed his hands behind Ludwig's neck. Germany growled, ordering him to move them. When Arthur questioned this, he simply asked where the master bedroom was.

"L-last door on the left..." Arthur stuttered, breathing heavily. Germany walked quickly, opening the door and slamming it with his foot. He placed Britain on the bed, kissing him passionately. "I love you..."

"I love you so much, Ludwig." Britain kissed him more, a sweet blush covering his cheeks.

"A-Arthur..." Ludwig spoke the Brit's name, "I love you." He flipped them on their sides, pulling away as he chuckled, untying Arthur's wrists.

Britain matched those laughs, pecking Ludwig's cheek. "Whenever we start to do this, it's just- we never get to it. I don't have any problem with it. I like it when we do that..." Arthur giggled at Ludwig, pressing their noses close so they brushed. "... Repeating that we love each other."

Ludwig smiled, pulling them together. For a moment, they stayed silent, but their lips brushed. They kept it chaste, smiling. Then, both eventually fell asleep, cradling each other in their arms.

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