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(C/N) sniffled, growling. This was unnecassary. She felt anger pang at her heart, because she had enough of the fighting. She could be very demanding when she wanted.

"SHUT UP!" She hollered, eyes glimmering with tears of anger. The countries' eyes locked on the girl, their hearts racing in fear, yet curiousity. "I'm supposed to choose! Not you idiots! You know, what if I don't want to choose any of you? Who says I need a dominant one in my life?" She crossed her arms, jutting her hip out. She had grown so much, and everyone was VERY impressed with her fiesty attitude, and bravery.

What they didn't know was that the nation had a sensitive heart, and yes, she was very, very lonely. (Y/N) had gotten a cat, but that ended with a real messed up, clawed face. Sighing, she dismissed everybody, countries scattering around. She placed herself in a chair, fingers rubbing her temples. Warmth enveloped her shoulder, and she looked back to see a familiar German.

"What is it Ludwig?" She asked, annoyance hinted by her tone of voice. He coughed into his hand.

"I zhink zhat vas very mature of you." Germany averted his gaze away, crystal blue eyes downwards. The corners of her lips curled into a smile, that he loved.

"Thank you... So you're alright with us to just be friends?" She stood up, now in a better mood. Shrieks of horror erupted from the kitchen as England announced he was cooking. "Oh dear." She couldn't help but laugh.


"Yes." He responded to the first question. "How about ve not get smoked, and go on a walk?" Ludwig suggested, glancing eagerly at the door. He did not want to be a roasted, black scone. It seems she had the same idea, considering she nodded rapidly. 

The pair exited without a word, closing the door quietly as they blended into the city nearby. He opened the door for her at a small, empty restaurant, where she slipped in, careful not to touch him. No sparks needed to fly.

That's what she was avoiding. Love. It hurt her more than anything, and she didn't need anymore of it. Ludwig led her to an abandoned table, grinning like a child about to get ice cream. She wondered in her head.

Just two friends hanging out.

Her eyes trailed over the tall man, the results breathtaking. He was strong, with a bit of tan on his skin, muscles hard as rocks. What? He liked to train! The way he tilted his chin up, looking proud, and the kind, deep blue eyes that were oh-so kind. He was just amazing. No wonder (Y/N) had fallen for him. Ludwig Beilschmidt was (in a manly way) very beautiful.

In Ludwig's eyes, she was the beautiful one. Her curves were perfect for her, (short/long/medium) (H/C) was shiny, and perfect. Her pearl white smile could cause his heart to stop, or race, either way, she was the only one who could do that. Her eyes were a whole new story. They were a beautiful (E/C), and sometimes, they would light up when she got excited. 

They loved each other.

I love him.

I'm in love.

But neither would admit it. They were scared of rejection. Oh what? Ludwig, scared? Yes, everybody has fears, but this was his biggest fear. Being rejected by his love was the hardest thing he could ever deal with.

"So..." She broke the silence, impatient. What was going to happen? Dammit, it was killing her. He looked up, eyes matching hers. Without a word, they both leaped together, lips crashing for a much wanted, passionate kiss. 

They fit perfectly, their hearts matching each others' beats. He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to his body. She gladly moved closer, arms around his neck. Pulling away for breath, they yanked away, flushed and sielnt. Then, they laughed.

It wasn't a 'haha' laugh, it was 'I'm so happy, I'm laughing.' It was amazing. He nuzzled her cheek when they were done, a permanent smile stuck on his face. She kissed his forehead.

"G-God you're so cute..." He remarked, teasing her. She glared.

"Did you just call me cute?"

"Ja," He smirked back, getting ready to run. This was his restaurant after all.

The chase was on, and he was winning, running being an easy thing for him. Eventually, it switched, and she was caught in his arms. 

"Vant to see somezhing?" He asked, planning on showing her something truly amazing. She nodded. Who wouldn't?!

Only a few minutes later, they were outside, on a picnic blanket. Their fingers interlocked, gazing up at the sky.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" (C/N) questioned the other's opinion. He nodded.

"But zhis isn't vhat I vas going to show you." Ludwig pulled out a paper.

Official Owner Of The Star

Name of Star: (Y/N) (L/N)

And a picture lay below, him pointing up at a star that outshined all the others. She gaped, mesmerized by its beauty. She couldn't believe he named a star after her.

"We get to see it every night, left of the Norzh star." He grinned at her, kissing her lips sweetly.

"It's absolutely beautiful." She told him, kissing back. "Thank you."

"It vas no problem. So, how are you?" She just stared blankly at the question, both erupting into loud laughter. 

"Would you SHUT UP!?" An annoyed neighbor called, causing you to laugh harder. A slam came from their window, the two of you clutching to each other.

"What got your panties in a bunch!?" (C/N) sighed, looking at her watch. "Oh god, I should've gone to bed over an hour ago!" She hopped up, him trailing close behind her.

"I had fun." She kissed him passionately once they got to her doorstep, opening the door to her house and closing it with a cute goodbye.

He began walking back, leaning against the light pole, thinking about his beautiful girl.

Yup, he was definitely in love!

I swear I'm a huge slacker. I have AIMS all week... (Arizona Instruments To Measure Standards) They're really annoying. ANYWAYS. I have 11 one shots to write, so here's one of them!! ~Bella

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