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"That's why i know your my daughter!" he says, "you refuse to do the thing! both the things!"

"What things!" i yell.

He stops, Takes a deep breath.

"You're just like me," he begins, "so curious".

"Why did you say we are moving," i ask, "we're in a box."

He grabs my hand and walks me over to two doors. He pulls one open.

I look outside and we are floating in space.

"Who are you, Doctor?" I ask.

"I'm a 900 year old alien from the lost planet of gallifrey." he says, "I'm the last of my kind. And this is my T.A.R.D.I.S. Time And Relative Dimension

+ In Space. It can take you anywhere in all of time of space. Where should we begin."

"The Library," I say, "I love books."

"How did you know there was a planet called 'The Library'?" he asks.

"I don't know its just..."I begin, "I don't know. I really don't know, it just popped in my head, came out of my mouth before I could stop myself."

"Do you know any others?" he asks.

"Yes, one." i answer, "Trenzalore."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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