The kiss

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Millie POV
Finn and I were on set about to do our kissing scene. It was really awkward because my dad was backstage while we were doing this scene and I could see Caleb and Gaten in the corner of my eye looking at us. This was his first kiss and I was nervous because I didn't want to be his first and ruin it. I get butterflies in my stomach as I realize he's leaning in.

Finn POV
I've had a crush on Millie since we filmed the first chapter. She's perfect. Her deep brown eyes and her beautiful smile and personality. Today was the day when Mike and Eleven kiss at the school. To be honest I've never kissed anyone before and she'll be my first. I was reading my last line then leaned in for the kiss. I instantly felt sparks when our lips met. It was short... Too short. As I pulled back I read my next line, got up and walked away flustered.

Well that was short..... Hope you guys liked it!

Fillie(Finn Wilfhard x Millie Bobby Brown) -discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now