Telling Everyone

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Finn POV
I held Millie in my arms and whispered, "I love you too." "Millie?" "Yeah?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course!" She kissed my cheek and rested her head in the crook of my neck. Her soft hair brushing against my skin. "You do know we'll have to tell everyone, right?" She asked. I nodded my head as I pet her short, silky hair. "I know... But when and how?" "I don't know." She replied clenching me tighter. "Let's at least finish filming for today and at dinner we can tell everyone." We finally came out of my dressing room and kind Caleb outside the door. He walked over to me and whispered in ear, "Gaten and I won't say anything unless you tell us too." He gave me a smile and i told Millie. We thanked him and started to film once more.


Millie POV
All of the cast and crew were around the table eating dinner. I was sitting next to Finn holding his hand under the table. He noticed I was shaking from nervousness so he slightly squeezed my hand to comfort me. He let go and stood up making everyone turn their head towards him. "Everyone I have an announcement!" He reached down and grabbed my hand pulling me up with him. "Millie and I are dating!" I then reached my head towards him kissing his cheek. Everyone started clapping when all of the sudden Ross stands up and screams, "I FUCKING CALLED IT!" Finn and I start laughing at the sudden explosion of excitement. I kiss Finn as we sit back down thanking everyone.


YOOOOOO! So while writing this my friend texted me and was like,"HOE YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOU FILLIE FANFIC RN!" I know that she's going to read this once I post it so there's ur daily dose of embarrassment for the day! Ily guys!!!

Fillie(Finn Wilfhard x Millie Bobby Brown) -discontinued-Where stories live. Discover now