Hokage & Hyuga

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The Hokage asked me a few questions and we eventually went outside so he could see my skill. Thank God for that (he smelled like smoke). I performed a few of the basic Justus and then got into my specialties. He allowed a Jonin named Kakashi to be my practice dummy.

The Kuso clan's skills consisted of the elements, mostly air. We could bend it. We could also control weather to go along with that.

Using my favorite Jutsu I took all the oxygen away from where mister Kakashi was standing leaving only carbon dioxide behind. He started to cough and choke and I put back the oxygen so he didn't die.

After that, I used a tree as a target and struck it down with lightening energy I had collected from the sky. I made it rain and storm in the particular area we were standing then proceeded to cause miniature tornados and hurricanes by spinning chakra around my finger, swirling it around effortlessly.

Now it was time for the real deal. I bit my finger summoned the three bottles. I opened one and fog was spread all through out the area as I slowly became invisible. I motioned the fog to bring itself back into the bottle #1. Bottle #2 was a little more dangerous. A sweet smelling aroma filled the air in the form of a lavender gas. It slowly spread in the direction I let it out, destroying plants, polluting water, and killing off a few birds. This could easily kill humans too but I'd rather not kill the Old Man who kindly let me stay in his precious Village.

I turned around looking at the Hokage and Kakashi. They looked slightly impressed but I could tell they were trying to hide it. Sora had a huge smirk across his face and was silently slow clapping it out for me.

The Hokage decided that I was advanced enough to join a team. Apparently the Konoha Ninja school was putting those who passed into 3 man squads next month I was exited for this. It would be a good way to meet new friends quickly which I desperately needed.


Me and Sora arrived at the Hyuga compound. I grinned. It was honestly beautiful. It was definitely smaller than the Kuso castle but it was a more open, outdoorsy compound. Sora showed me to the guest room which was now mine. He let me change and get ready as I was to meet everyone tonight. My bags were already unpacked and the room was set up with my belongings. I guessed that the other escorts had done this for me and knowing them, they probably went out for drinks and women while they waited for Sora to return so they could leave.

There was a knock on the door. Sora opened it. There was a boy maybe a little older than me. He looked at me paying no attention to Sora. I stood up, lifted my chin, and put on the emotionless face that a princess was expected to have.

Getting a good look at him, he was tall, with long dark brown hair  that was tied into a ponytail at the end. He had lavender eyes and non-visible pupils.

" Lady n/m" he said.

" uh huh" I replied.

Sora nudged my ribs to be polite.

I jumped a little " Yes Sir" I said loudly to the boy.

Sora face palmed. Princesses were supposed to nod not scream YES SIR. Upon hearing my voice, they boy perked up a little from his moody position. So he's the serious type. This will be fun. He looked very off-put for a second. I snickered to myself.

The boy quickly went back to his moody stance and said he was here to show me around.

I said bye to Sora as I would not being seeing him for a long time.

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