First Day

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Neji's POV

Once Hinata got out of n/m's rambling by saying she had to use the restroom, I told n/m we would be leaving early.

"Why?" She asked (rather loudly). "I'm wired" she said taking a bite out of a cake ball.

I looked at the half eaten ball of sugar in her hand.

"You know those are pure sugar, right?" I asked calmly.

"Yes" she said putting the other half in her mouth.

I watched her eat the whole thing with a disapproving look. I guess she isn't that tired after all, maybe she'll be alright.

"Ok" I said. "I'll see you in 25 minutes."

I turned around and walked away but I didn't miss the princess let out a small yawn first. I smiled to myself at how stubborn she was.

When her 25 minutes were up, n/m walked over to me, clearly very tired.

"You okay?" I asked calmly.

She nodded her head yes.

We were walking back when I noticed n/m rubbing her eyes. She smeared makeup all over her face, I guess she forgot it was there. I smirked. Even she was too tired to ask what was so funny. I stopped walking and let her catch up to me. I then picked her up.

"What are you doing?" She asked half consciously.

"Carrying you to your room" I said.

"I can walk" she said, mumbling her words.

I pulled her closer to my chest to keep her warm.

"Okay maybe you can just carry me." She sighed. "Just this once" she mumbled.

I got to her room and laid her down on the bed and covered her up. I thought it better not to set the alarm. It wouldn't be good to scare her first thing in the morning, so I decided I'd just wake her up myself.

I walked to the training grounds and trained for an hour, or maybe two. Oh well, I needed it anyways. We would have Chunin exams in a few months.

By the time I got back, I was way too tired to shower, or do anything for that matter. I threw my shirt, shorts, and sandals in a corner and plopped myself on the bed.


I woke up early as usual. I figured I'd wake n/m up now since I didn't exactly know how long it took a princess to get ready for school.

I walked to her door and knocked lightly. Nothing. I knocked harder. I finally heard shifting around.

"Who is it?" I heard a grumpy girl say from inside. I snickered silently. She was not a morning person either.

"Neji" I said, answering her question.

"You should get up. You have ninja academy today and you wouldn't want to be late an-"

She wasn't getting out of bed. I  activated my Byakugan. She was back asleep. I sighed. I knocked again, very hard, I was becoming frustrated.

"Who is it?" She asked again.

"Still me" I said grumpily.

"Yeah okay... I'm up" she said as I watched her fall back asleep with my Byakugan.

We'll have to do this the hard way. I thought, coming up with a plan.

"N/m you have 15 minutes to get ready for academy."

I heard and watched her jump out of bed quickly, and scramble to start getting ready. I smirked and crossed my arms.

Your POV

"N/m, you have 15 minutes to get ready for academy" I heard Neji say from outside my room.

I jumped up out of bed, cursing under my breath as I searched all over for a decent outfit. Nothing. Sighing, I just picked up a school girl-style skirt and black sweater. I hurriedly put them on. Oh my God, I was going to freeze. I didn't have time to throw on some leggings or tights. I slipped on my sandals and began putting my once again wavy hair into its usual pigtails. I slammed the door open to see Neji. I looked at him still pulling up one half of my hair. He smirked.

"Morning" I said loudly, sliding him out of the way. He grabbed me by the wrist and spun me around.

"Neji, I have to go" I said, begging him to release me.

"N/m, you have an hour. Go take a hot shower and eat some breakfast."

I shook my head confused.

"I just had to get you out of bed" Said the boy smirking.

My eyes widened in anger. He handed me a towel and shoved me toward the bathroom.

"By the way, n/m, your skirt's inside out." I looked down, slightly embarrassed and walked to the bathroom taking my time.


Once I had properly gotten ready, Neji walked me to school. I was glad I had taken the time to put on some thick knee socks, along with my sweater. It had been way colder than I'd imagined.

Neji dropped my off at my class, told me bye, then strutted off to wherever he goes during the day.

I looked around as I walked into the classroom and took it in.

"Who are you?" Asked a blonde boy. He looked me up and down.

"N/m" I said bitterly. I didn't like this kid. I knew that already.

"I'm Naruto. And I'm going to be Hokage" he announced loudly. The whole class laughed.

Great ambitions, sucky kid I thought.

He then tried to kiss me.

I punched him in the face and he rubbed it shyly.

"Class, today we have a new student." Said a young man walking into the room.

The teacher motioned for me to go to the front of the class and I did.

"This is Princess n/m" the teacher told the class.

"Princess!?" Yelled Naruto. He fainted. The whole class laughed again.

The teacher just rolled his eyes.

"I'm Iruka sensei" he told me. "I'll talk to you about more when class is over" I nodded my head, happily, in agreement.

I sat down next to a girl with pinkish hair. She smiled and introduced herself as Sakura and then bowed to me.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." I said kindly. She nodded and smiled. Then we both turned around and listened to the lesson.

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