Hyuga, Neji

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"So", I started, gently nudging the Hyuga as we walked out the hallway.

" Don't touch me." He said.

I made a face at him that he could not see and was about to say something about his attitude but suddenly decided it better to just shut up.

" I saw that" he said. Fuck. He saw the face. That was not attractive.

I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

" What's your name?" I asked coolly and innocently, trying to blow off what just happened.

"Neji." He said grumpily.

"Are you always grumpy like this or do you just not want to be here?" I kept asking questions because anything was better than his creepy, dark silence.

He didn't answer me.

"Neji-sama!" A faint voice yelled from the other end of the compound we were walking around. A girl with short black hair and Hyuga eyes ran up to us. She looked at me shyly.

"Hi I'm n/m! What's your name?" I asked. Neji rolled his eyes and crossed his arms impatiently.

" I'm Hi-Hinata you m-must be the prin-princess" she said tapping her fingers together.

" Yeah" I said, trying to sound proud.

" Lady Hinata, I'm sorry but I'm currently showing Lady n/m around the compound and we can't be wasting time." Said Neji even more grumpy than before.

" S-s-sorry..." said Hinata.

" Bye! see you later" I called. She waved then turned around and ran off.

" Come on" Neji said to me.

I followed him for 30 minutes or so and he pointed all the rooms and courtyards and ponds out to me and spoke about each of them but my mind was in space. I was completely zoned out thinking about all the possibilities there would be if humans were amphibious.

"Are you even listening to me?" Said Neji angrily.

" huh? What? Yes"...."yes" I said while unknowingly shaking my head 'no'. I turned my eyes away from the sky to look at a furious Neji.

" what was I talking about?" He snapped angrily.

" Ummm...." I had no decent answer.

"What are you even thinking about right now that is so much more important than this?"

"I was thinking about umm...... Do you really want to know that?" I asked questioningly.

"YES" he said fuming.

I scratched my head.

"WELL?" He almost shouted.

Terrified I spit out the truth before I could think of lie that was more reasonable.

"I was thinking about how cool it would be if humans could be more like frogs" I blurted. "In fact, I'm gonna create a new jutsu inspired by my thoughts on it." I added, trying to put make some substance of my wondering off.

His face went from 'WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK' to deadly calm in  .00003 seconds but I could tell that inside he had officially lost his shit. He ran his hands through his hair out of frustration. He turned around and whispered a few words that sounded like a cursing sailor trying to pray.

We started the tour back up and I tried desperately to pay attention.

Finally, the tour was almost over as he showed me the training grounds. But this, however, I was interested in. It was a huge field with trees and weapons and a small opening in the center of the miniature forest. I looked around intently as he guided me to the center.

"Woah.. When will we be training?" I asked excitedly.

"Not now" he said grumpily.

Now, in this training field, even grumpy pants couldn't spoil my mood. I was in paradise. Out of the corner of my eye, I could've sworn Neji had a small smile for a split second. But it was gone as soon as it was there.

He led me back to the main compound to get ready to meet everyone tonight at the gathering. He said it would be more like a party but to dress respectively.


The hell kind of gas ass party are they throwing that we're expected to dress respectively? I thought as I dressed myself in the most 'respectable' party dress I owned. Neji was waiting outside the door of my room for me to finish changing. I had recently been informed that I would still have a protective body guard in the Konaha Village until the Hokage sees that I can protect myself well enough on my own. I had also been informed that my body guard would be GrumpyPantsHyuga. Marvelous, I thought.

I stepped outside the room to see Neji sitting down next to the door. I pulled him up off the ground.

"Lady n/m" he said, "I apologize for being rude earlier and yelling at you".
"I'm not a morning person" he added.

I smiled, satisfied. Not necessarily because I knew he was sorry, but more because I could tell that apologizing was not something he did often.

"Did someone pay you to say that?" I asked, teasingly.

"No". He said.

"Well let's go" I said walking down the hallway.

"You're not wearing that". He said

I was offended. "Why not?"


"What do you mean, 'no'?" I asked in a challenging way.

"Go change"

I refused. Instead of continuing to argue with me, the once again frustrated Hyuga picked me up set me in the room and locked me in until I changed.

Angrily I tapped my foot on the ground thinking of how to get out of this situation and win.

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