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When the lesson was over (finally) I spoke to Iruka sensei and he explained we'd be put into teams next week. There were 12 people in our class and we would be put into 3 man squads.

I walked out the building and tried to catch up to Neji.

"Hey" I said catching up to him (and my breath).

He just nodded at me.

"Not even a 'hi'?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hi" he said sarcastically, glancing at me.

"Do you have homework today?" He asked me.

"Not that I know of..." I said thinking, I didn't hear Iruka sensei say anything about it. But then again, I wasn't exactly listening either.

"You weren't listening, were you?" He asked calmly.

"Would you be mad if I said no?" I asked somewhat drawn out.

"No" he said. I think he smiled at me. Did the Hyuga just smile?? Like a genuine smile, not that bitchy little smirk???

"Was that a smile?" I asked sarcastically.

"No" he said firmly and his face hardened up.

I smiled at him too and his face began to soften again. He just looked at me for a minute.

"Well", he said breaking himself from his moment, "if you don't have homework, you should train"

I made a face. I liked training, and I was ready to test out that glorious field, but, I was tired from school.

"But I'm tired" I complained.

"Then training will wake you up" He said casually.

"Oh, and your training with me" he added, smirking.

Ooohhh this will be fun fun fun fun fun FUN. I should nearly hit him with lightening just to scare him. I thought mischievously. I realized my mind was wondering. And then I remembered I was an independent woman.

"I train alone, but thanks for the offer" I said crossing my arms and walking up in front of him.

"No you don't" he said. He was right. I always trained with the Sora. But Sora was not here and Neji was not exactly the next best thing.

"Why not" I said turning around angrily in his face, stopping us both.

He just smirked. "Because you'll get distracted and not get anything done at all" he grabbed my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

I shivered. He was driving me crazy. And he was right. That's what really pissed me off.

"Fine" I whispered back angrily.

I could care less that he was so close to me. I was too pissed.

We walked to the training field, me leading the way. I strutted down the side walk with my arms crossed. I was freezing but I was most certainly NOT about to let him see that.

Neji's POV

I followed princess n/m back to the Hyuga compound, her walking angrily in front of me. I could tell she was frustrated but she was so cute that way.

I had had the biggest grin on my face when I was whispering in her ear and I prayed to God she did not see it.

We arrived at the training fields and I grabbed some kunai. I turned around to find n/m stretching, I made a note to myself that she was obviously pretty flexible.

"Lets go" I said.

She stood up straight. She had a grin on her face and I could tell she was up to something. I just didn't know what. I planned to let her win today as I just wanted to learn what her skills were.

She took her fighting stance and I took mine. If she was an up-close fighter than she'd be an easy opponent for me.

I quickly realized she was not. I now knew what she was up to. She did not need to stretch at all as she did not use tai-Jutsu and had no need to get anywhere close to me.

N/m nearly hit me with lightening. She purposely missed me. I realized, when she used Jutsu like that, her chakra gave you no hints about what she would do. This made her unpredictable which was extremely dangerous. I cursed under my breath. She was now up in a tree attempting to keep herself covered. I tried to make my way toward her but was hit with a Neji sized tornado.

The tornado threw me around and I landed face first on the ground. One hit was not going to take me down. I stood up and she jumped back down from her spot, placing herself in front of me. That was a bad idea for her.

Being as fast as I was, I hit one of her chakra points and she looked a little more drained. She nearly flipped when she realized what I had done.

She then made a hand symbol I did not know and took in a deep breath.

I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what was happening. I fell on the ground gasping. There was no air and I didn't understand how. I was suffocating. What the hell is this. I thought desperately trying to get air. I was about to black out.

All of a sudden air was given back to me. But I was drained. I could barely move. And I was in pain.
N/m helped me up and my vision was still fuzzy. And I had no energy to use my Byakugan.

Pretending I was fine, I growled. "I'm gonna kick your ass tomorrow..."

I think I passed out.

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