Chapter 5

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sowwie for the last chapter I hope y'all had a great Christmas or wat ever y'all celebrate so this is chapter 5 and  vote if you like ^.^ ^.^♥♥♥♥♥♥

So i was gonna to the mall wit melissa ad we was talkin. She said " hey cece" " yo, wassup" "I think im in ♥ wit Joey" "Really?!?!?!?!??!?!? Wait what happen to ur boyfriend in New York" " We broke up" "Y?????"  " Cuz he kissed a other grl tht is uglier than Karen troy" " Well u should of know tht he was gonna to do tht" "u right. But seriously I thnk im in ♥ wit Joey" "what do u want me to do? Tell tht boy u wanna him" "yes" " okay when i go home" " thx u".

      * 20 minutes*

  Got home ad put in my headphones in my ears ad start kikin joey. I told joey what melissa said ad he said " okay". after I got tht out of the way. I listenin to FDB  ad some other songs tht made me dance ad singing until I got a phone call ad the name pop up it was Jordan, I haven't talk to him after the last day of school to winter break. I answer the phone ad say "sup" " yo" "wyd" "missing my babe" "which is who" " stop fuckin playin cece. Its u I miss u" " Oh okay" "U dont miss me" " I do I jzt havnt seen u in a while so it was a surprise to get a call from u" "oh. Well u know I ♥ u" " sure u do" " lol" "How much do u ♥ me?" " 1000" " thtz it?" "10000000000000000000,400" "mmmhmmm okay". We hangup the phone ad then I got a kik from rahzaan ad dawin then a text from Jacob. I answer each one they ask the sme question " r u gonna wit Jordan Fowler? " Wait y r y'all worry bout who I go wit?"

Dawin said " cuz I ♥ u ad I all was have"

Rahzaan said "cuz I ♥ u ad I dont wanna her to get hurt"

Jacob said "cuz I ♥ u from the first time I saw yhu"

I kiked ad text them back saidin" wow, ummmm Idk wat to said y'all r my friends ad........I........."

thy said " u wat us"

" I ♥ y'all to was friends"





we stop texting ad I call melissa bout wat happen ad she was surprised as me I told her "what am I supposed to do they said that day love me and I love Jordan still"

"well thy hav feelings for tht is werid"

"Ik im scared now"



Its This True Love or Jzt Lust? ♥.♡.♥.♡★.☆Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat