chapter 8- my last chance

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Dis is the last chapter of diz book so stay to read my next book. Sowwie for takin so long on thiz chapter was to business work on my other book hope ya havin a great spring break. Luv Ya *KIZZEZ*


  Ciara pov

It was 10o'clock  bout the time got to the skool (tht were my daddy funel was). I saw ppl tht I didnt know at all but rahzaan look around for my fam wen we saw them I when over then were thy was n rahzaan was in the seat behind me had his hand on my shoulders tell me things in my ear. Wen it waz time for our fam n friends to go up to look at hum once more but thiz time wen outside to answer my mom fone then mines I was cryin but wen I answer mine fone I dry up my tears but waz still cryin thn I hear his voice n cried so much I was tlkin to him bout were I was n stuff the person I was tlkin to was fowles. I told myself tht I will nt around or sheared a tear for hum.

  Got back to skool everyone look at me lke wat she doin here wat grade she in??? Then I wen to my third period were rahzaan was the first sitin down in the classroom becuz everyone else was in the hallway tlkin. I came in n rahzaan look up of his fone n call me over so I wen n sat down were I sit all the tome at skool he look n saw me yy ppl was look at me for becuz Jacob n jordan post smethng on Facebook bout me tht said:

"Ciara is a great gurl tht everyone know bout. But Ciara is type of gurl tht wanna to be understand n wanna ppl to  know her for smethng. Tht one thng tht everyone know her for is her dad. p.s. look at ciara lke thiz -.- ^.^ -.- n smile (lol). So I was surprised n confuse at tht time becuz everyone came in n look at me wen thm faces n smile. I laughed n smile at thm thn the teacher came in n told uz to get five ppl in a group so I had rahzaan, Jordan, Nicole, Brittney, n me was together in a group. She told uz tht we will work together untill the end of the year. We had a project tht we will work on till the last day here os wat it said:


The group tht yhu hav pick is the one yhu work wit untill the day this is turn in *last day of skool* Ya will be work in on a book or a game or make it up it all bout ya in the group lke yhu (past, present,future) kk. HAV FUN THIZ IS A BIG PART OF YA GRADE!!!!!!!


So we was tlkin bout how will we do it but I think then an idea came to I said "wat bout a  computer diary of our  lives. But prom n stuff lke wat we do in our daily lives" They look at me n said okay. We was workin at rahzaan'z house workin on the project then wen for a break I was listenin to sevyn streeter ft kid ink nEXt n more songz it was fun then we start tlkin bout the skool dance we had laughz but thiz was the day I was happy becuz I was wit my friends.

   Itz Wednesday morning sunshine I got to school n was listenin to music on my fone wit melissa got to mt locker n saw a note in my locker from me tht I forgot bout n itz said " MY LAST CHANCE! " My last chance to do wat then look at the bottom of tht itz said " P.S. it mean to tell jordan im done wit his b.s. n to tell rahzaan how i feel bout him n jacob im srry bout everthing tht itz i thnk so yea peace."

    I weird wen I show melissa she look up at me n juzz say I may was mad at smeone n wrote thiz tht day. And I said tht true bout the more I thought bout the more I remember tht I did lke Jordan n still had feelinz for rahzaan still. But he didnt know so I juzz wen to class n rahzaan told me that Jordan said tht me n him wazz done cuz he move n so I was happy asf. I hugged rahzaan n looked in hiz eyes we kizz it waz better than wit Jordan lol. But the prom is come up in  4 dayys n rahzaan ask me to wit him I say yes.

   ITZ PROM DAY!!!!!!!! Im happy myy dress is purple n gold I love it myy shoes match n  im matchin wit rahzaan. So we havin fun dancin around n tlkin but then I forgot to ya our project got A++ so it was a good dayy for uz sooo see later


Thiz is the endin of thiz book hope ya lke it so much vote still up nt down. Love ya!!!!!!!! ^.^ :-* ^.^

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